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In her memoirs, Michelle Obama confides in Donald Trump and his family

 In her memoirs, Michelle Obama confides in Donald Trump and his family

In her memoirs, Michelle Obama confides in Donald Trump and his family

The former first lady explains that she will "never forgive" the current president for his controversy over the birthplace of Barack Obama.

It is a highly anticipated release. In her Memoirs, to be published on Tuesday, Michelle Obama confides her difficulties in getting pregnant, her disinterest in politics and the impossibility for the former American first lady to forgive Donald Trump for the controversy over her husband's citizenship, according to extracts of his book. In Becoming, the Chicago native says she is surprised that so many American women voted for "misogynist" Trump over Hillary Clinton in 2016. Michelle Obama, 54, does not hide the shock she felt when she heard the recording of Donald Trump in which he bragged about being able to "catch women by the pussy". She then evokes her "body (which) was trembling with anger".

The most striking extract in these attacks in order against the tenant of the White House? She will never "forgive" him the controversy over her husband's birthplace. The New Yorker is one of those to have repeatedly suggested that the former Chicago senator was born in Kenya and not the United States. It was “crazy and petty, of course, bigotry and xenophobia are barely concealed,” tackles the first black First Lady in American history. "What if someone unstable loaded a pistol and came to Washington?" What if this person had attacked our daughters? She accuses in the first extracts broadcast by the ABC channel and the Washington Post. “Donald Trump, with his loud and irresponsible innuendo, has endangered my family. And, for that, I will never forgive him. "

The Republican President's response was quick. "Michelle Obama was paid dearly to write a book and they still insist that you get out of the controversies," he told reporters, before flying to France for the centenary commemorations at the end. of the First World War.

In her 426-page Memoirs, the lawyer also opens up about her private life, evoking her miscarriage some twenty years ago. "It was like I had failed, I didn't know miscarriages were so common because we don't talk about it," the 50-year-old said in excerpts from an ABC channel interview to present his work. “We are faced with our own pain, somehow thinking that we are broken. And the wife of the 44th President of the United States added, "This is one of the reasons I think it's important to tell young mothers that miscarriages happen." In her book, she also says that their two daughters, Malia, 20, and Sasha, 17, came into the world through in vitro fertilization. “The biological clock is real, because ovary production is limited,” she tells ABC. I realized it when I was 34 and 35 years old. We needed to use in vitro fertilization. "

His marriage has not always been a smooth river, unlike the image of the perfect couple conveyed by the Obamas. The former first lady reveals having undergone couples therapy with her husband. “I know a lot of young couples who are struggling and who think that somehow there is something wrong with them. And I want them to know that Michelle and Barack Obama, who have a phenomenal marriage and love each other, we are working on our relationship. On the other hand, unlikely to see a Michelle Obama president. “I've never been a fan of politics and my experience over the past ten years hasn't done much to change that. I continue to be discouraged by wickedness, ”she writes in her Memoirs, the promotion of which has only just begun.

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