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Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner earned $ 120 million in 2020 (down from 2019)

 Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner earned $ 120 million in 2020 (down from 2019)

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner earned $ 120 million in 2020 (down from 2019)

In 2020, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner reported revenues of between $ 23.8 million and $ 120 million, the Crew site reported. A substantial sum, but lower than that received by the couple for the year 2019.

The daughter of the former president and her husband, former advisers to Donald Trump, have been transparent about their extra government income for 2020. Thus, in this particular year, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner mentioned incomes of between 23, 8 and 120.6 million dollars (very precisely 23,791,645 U $ and 120,676,949 U $, that is to say between 19.8 and 100.4 million euros), coming from their assets, according to the site Crew. The sum is substantial but the couple's business suffered from the health crisis, which notably impacted their investments in the hotel industry.

Unknown sources

The Crew site specifies in its long article which analyzes the financial reports of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner that some anomalies were noticed. Thus, according to the American media, certain activities would not be mentioned and certain income underestimated. In addition, the eldest daughter of the former US president said she received no income from the companies she ran before becoming her father's senior advisor, during her last year in the White House. A statement that would not be confirmed.

However, these incomes, while they may appear high, show a marked decline compared to the previous year. Indeed, for the year 2019, Ivanka Trump and her husband declared sums of between 36 and 157 million dollars (that is to say between 30 and 130 million euros). This significant drop could be explained by the consequences of the health crisis, which prevented sales or delayed transactions.

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