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Ivanka Trump contains her father's family values

Ivanka Trump contains her father's family values

Ivanka Trump contains her father's family values

The first daughter claims to be a mother first while the president complains nonsense about gangs and rapes children to their parents

George W Bush is famous for saying that family values ​​are not limited to the Rio Grande River. It was his way of answering all those angry questions in the campaign campaign about how to stop “illegal immigrants”.

If mothers and fathers cannot feed their children in Mexico, he explains, they will try to feed their families in the United States.

Bush misjudged his team, as well as his persuasiveness. His attempts to convert immigrants died along with his domestic influence. But that was not the end of his team's long journey away from his values.

Now, under his Republican counterpart, it is US lawful policy to deny family values ​​to undocumented immigrants crossing Rio Grande.

Earlier this month, the Department of Homeland Security adopted a new policy to initiate parental prosecution of illegal crossings, and to place their children in custody. It was not enough to deport people without literature. Now the Trump administration was going to tear down their families.

This is not just an inhumane policy that violates any definition of the term "family values". There is also no negligence in child safety, as the provincial government has lost track of about 1,500 children in the so-called seat. In the American Civil Liberties Union, it is unconstitutional because it deprives immigrant families of the proper procedure.

How did we come to the point where a well-thought-out family values ​​group believed that the best way to stem the tide of undocumented migration was to break up families?

The answer begins with the demonic influence of these immigrants: they are not mothers and fathers, but criminals. And we all know what kind of criminals Donald Trump is thinking of when he talks about people who don’t have books: a small flat that becomes part of the brutal MS-13 gang.

In Trump, there is a large army of MS-13 assassins out there, a force that opposes our army in size. Other than that it’s hard to understand the numbers he quoted above in his conversation that was notorious for the so-called holy California earlier this month.

"California law provides a safe haven for some of the world's most violent and violent criminals, such as members of the MS-13 gang, which puts innocent men, women, and children at the mercy of these vicious criminals," he said. “But we are removing them from the country by the thousands. MS-13, we catch them by the thousands and take them out. "

By the thousands. Thousands upon thousands of gang members were deported, meaning that the gang represented, what, hundreds of thousands of people? The FBI has estimated the group's numbers between 6,000 and 10,000 in the US.

This global view is at the heart of Trump’s deportation policies and his comments a few minutes later. “We have people coming into the country, or trying to get in - and we are stopping many - but we are taking the people of the country. You would not believe how bad these people are. These are not people. These are animals. ”

Yes, he was referring to members of a gang. He just believes that there are thousands and thousands of them coming across the border. And it is much easier to destroy families if you think there are thousands and thousands of animals, not humans, among them. It is a very notorious gang that employs many mothers and children to fill its killers.

Trump has served immigrants as violent criminals since the beginning of his presidential campaign. We expected him to use these Nazi tactics, to rewrite the real neo-Nazis and to express his sympathy for the new Nazis who cried out for racial innocence. As George W Bush never said, this severe discrimination has given us such low expectations.

But it has not yet made it harder for the empty hypocrisy of those who claim to support family-friendly policies within the Trump family.

Foremost among them is his daughter Ivanka, who posed for a style on Twitter "as a wife, mother, sister, daughter" before his career as presidential adviser. If it weren’t for her father’s goals and repeated comments, it might be interesting that she was a working mother advocate and paid family leave. We can only appreciate the cutting of his family's photo of him biting his young son.

Instead, he looks like he's out of touch with his father's policies, or he's hopeless. There is no small point of encouraging families while your bosses are deliberately destroying it as a form of immigration prevention. Never worry that none of Ivanka's policy proposals have made it real; he works within a high-level branch that works hard against what he claims to represent.

Though unsuccessful or just ignorant, Ivanka's inability to see outside of his cold-focused butterfly raises some basic questions about his political ambitions. According to Michael Wolff, Ivanka believes she will be the first female president. Such deception is not just a personal misery, obviously: his own mother will run for president in 15 years or more. He may start to lay the groundwork for blocking his father's policies that separate children from their parents.

Meanwhile, his father naturally blames everyone except him. According to the president, his immigration policies are being told by the powerful Democrats who currently do not control part of the coalition government.

"Put pressure on Democrats to end the horrific law that separates children when parents cross the Border into the United States," he wrote on Twitter on Saturday, ignoring good ideas and good spelling. He ended an absurd tweet with a loud shout: "DEMOCRACY PROTECTS MS-13 BODIES."

It is unclear what the planet Trump lives on, but it is a shocking mystery. Democrats punish undocumented families and protect them. Trump is a shameless and powerless spectator of this catastrophic event. For someone with such a wonderful family, this is something of a situation. Because when it comes to Trump’s sympathy for families, it’s not just there, there.

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