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Melania Trump: what was her love life before Donald Trump?

 Melania Trump: what was her love life before Donald Trump?

Melania Trump: what was her love life before Donald Trump?

Since her extreme complicity with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, during the last G7 in Biarritz, Melania Trump has been used by detractors of her husband to ridicule him. But, before marrying Donald Trump in 2005, what was the sentimental life of the First lady like?

The kiss continues to ignite social networks. On August 25, in the middle of G7, in Biarritz, Melania Trump, the most mysterious of American First Ladies, demonstrated that she was not immune to the charm of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. More gallant, if not attractive, than her husband Donald Trump, who hailed her like a dog in front of photographers, a few days later, it is true. Despite the rumors of a renegotiated marriage contract, the facts are there: the current tenants of the White House have been husband and wife for almost 20 years. Since their meeting in 1998, we have never even seen Melania on the arm of another man, except their son Barron, now 13 years old.

Asked by the American edition of Vanity Fair on the sentimental life of the First Lady before her meeting with the president, her ex-spokesperson Stephanie Grisham assured in 2017 that "her intense schedule as a model" had not left her. not allowed to maintain relationships. Clever, although not very credible, response to the statements of a certain Jure Zorcic in front of the cameras of the ABC channel, a year earlier, in 2016. This Slovenian indeed claimed to have been the boyfriend of Melania Trump, at the very beginning of the years 1990, before she emigrated to the United States.

"I asked her if she forgot that she was Slovenian"

Their meeting in 1991? For Jure Zorcic, "it was like in a movie. It was a very hot summer day, between two conflicts in Slovenia. We were entering a new political era. The city was circumscribed by the army. I was riding a motorbike. , when I saw her walking down a street. When I passed her, I said to myself: 'Wow, who is this girl? She is too beautiful, I have to turn around to talk to her' . " The relationship would have lasted only a few months, punctuated by a trip to Croatia. If America was not yet on Melania's thoughts, "she wanted to live abroad, in Italy, in France, and lead a life in the fashion world." The future First lady will also announce her departure for the United States to her boyfriend, as if it were a simple business trip: "She told me that a hair products company la wanted for a campaign and she left. " Small sentence foreshadowing her reputation as a killer.

The ex-lovers would have found themselves in New York in the early 2000s. Melania is already dating Donald Trump; she talks, dresses and lives like an American. Terrible disillusionment for Jure Zorcic, who has to exchange with her in English: "I asked her if she had forgotten that she was Slovenian. She replied that she spent most of her time between New York and Fort Lauderdale, in Florida, and that she would never come back to Slovenia. "

Words immediately denied in block by Hope Hicks, spokesman for Donald Trump, to the Daily Mail: "Another person who tries to be publicized on the back of Mrs. Trump. The facts are not proven." Mystery, mystery ...

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