The death of Michael Jackson, the eternal mystery
Like Elvis Presley, the death of the King of Pop is still surrounded by enigmas
It is curious that the deaths of the two kings, that of rock and that of pop, are surrounded by so much mystery. Elvis is said to have died of a barbiturate overdose. But the first journalist who saw his body without his life is one of the main responsible for feeding the conspiracy theories (he stated that he could not assure that the corpse he saw really corresponded to Presley's).
Thirty-two years later, the death of Michael Jackson also sparked hundreds of speculations. And today, when ten years have passed since his death, there are not a few who believe that the truth of the case, or at least the whole truth, will never come to light.
In the weeks before his death, Michael Jackson had been rehearsing for the new show that was to premiere on July 13 of that year at London's O2 Arena, "This is it." But on June 25, his personal physician, Conrad Murray, found him dying (barely having a hint of a heart pulse) at his home on North Carolwood Drive (Los Angeles, California). He performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on him, but to no avail and the musician was later pronounced dead at the hospital. At first, the media spoke of Jackson having died of "cardiac arrest." The autopsy revealed that he died of acute propofol and benzodiapzepine intoxication, which Murray had prescribed to treat his insomnia. He acknowledged having administered 25 milligrams, although this use was not exactly "orthodox" (as he himself declared, already from prison when he was sentenced to four years) if his intention was to return to the stage.
The documentary "Killing Michael Jackson", which premiered on British television QuestOD last Saturday, collected the testimonies of the policemen who entered the musician's room. Detectives Orlando Martínez, Dan Myers and Scott Smith say that the room in which they found the body of Michael Jackson "did not seem suitable for any type of medical treatment", but they did find a bag full of medicines.
"Luckily we are celebrating now I remember him because once the result of the autopsy is known, God's will be put together," said his friend Liza Minelli. And it was armed. Propofol is a drug that is routinely administered intravenously, but it was found in Jackson's stomach on forensic analysis. Which suggests that it was ingested orally, something very strange and that caused the words "homicide evidence" to appear in the report. In addition, there were not 25 milligrams as Murray claimed, but 180.
But there are a lot more suspicious details. According to TMZ (the first medium that reported on the death of the singer) the Police were looking for another doctor, Dr. Tohme Tohme, a friend of the singer and who had an alleged indirect participation in the events. The ER team complained about Murray's lack of cooperation, confirming that the doctor only mentioned lorazepam and omitted any reference to propofol. This would be confirmed by one of Jackson's bodyguards before the judges, since he assured that Murray asked him to get rid of the remains of "a white drug", which could be propofol.
It was even said that people close to Jacko had a recording of a phone call in which he himself warned that something bad could happen to him. "There may be a group of people who don't want me here anymore." I can't talk about it on the phone, I don't know what's going to happen but I feel it. They can shoot me, stab me, incriminate me or say that I had an overdose ”, says the voice of an audio that everything has to be said, it does not enjoy any credibility.
The calls that are woefully credible are those made by Murray in the moments leading up to Jackson's death. The prosecution presented the list released by his telephone company, and showed that he had eleven conversations on two different phones and sent multiple text messages while the artist lost his life in his room. Who did he have to call so many times at a time like this?
It is said that Michael Jackson spoke a lot about his death during that month of June 2009. Perhaps he had to choose between taking his own life or continuing to let his regrets slowly kill him. A theory, that of suicide, which is quite plausible, also for the Canadian investigative journalist Ian Helperin, who wrote these lines after the news of his death. “He didn't want to eat, he didn't want to sleep, and when he did he had nightmares about his death. He was worried about letting his fans down. He even said something that briefly made me think of a suicidal act. Michael said that he might die before doing the London concerts and that he was worried about ending up the same way Elvis did. He always compared himself to Elvis, but there was something in his tone that made me think that he wanted to die, because he was tired of life.
Lawsuits, appeals and appeals between the family, the doctor and the promoter of the "This is It" concerts are still in court today.