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Unusual: the video of US President Joe Biden falling three times on the stairs of Air Force One!

 Unusual: the video of US President Joe Biden falling three times on the stairs of Air Force One!

Unusual: the video of US President Joe Biden falling three times on the stairs of Air Force One!

A video in which Joe Biden stumbles three times while climbing the steps of the presidential plane Air Force One is looping on social networks this Friday, March 19. Look at these unlikely images.

Would the presidency make him lose his balance? As Joe Biden boarded the presidential plane Air Force One, this Friday, March 19, the 78-year-old US president tripped three times. Halfway up the stairs, Donald Trump's successor almost fell for the first time. But the leader of the United States made up for it with his left hand, before failing a second time. As he stood at the handrail with his right hand, his ankle twisted. This time Joe Biden collapsed. Without looking back to the cameras, Jill Biden's husband rose to his feet in no time and wiped his knee. He finally finished his climb without further problem, before greeting the guards. This scene was massively broadcast and relayed, especially in France by the continuous news channel BFMTV, which shared the sequence on Twitter.

"There was a lot of wind"

Some internet users can't help but laugh. Others, on the other hand, are worried about the health of the US president. How has Joe Biden been since this incident? "He's fine, he's doing very well," reassured his spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre, as reported by our 20-minute colleagues. Before justifying his fall: "There was a lot of wind." However, she did not say whether the White House tenant saw a doctor on the presidential plane. Shortly after his election at the end of November, the former vice-president of Barack Obama had already caused fear among Americans. Joe Biden had indeed broken his right foot while playing with one of his dogs. The Democrat's press services then explained that the elected president "should probably wear an orthopedic boot for several weeks", as the Point relayed.

Donald Trump must have a good laugh

The fall of Joe Biden is reminiscent of a video in which we see his predecessor Donald Trump descending the stairs with a very hesitant step. In the images, the real estate mogul is indeed taking his time, afraid of missing a step. At the time, Joe Biden would not have deprived himself of making fun of him, as reported by our colleagues at 20 Minutes. The Democrat then stressed that he could climb the stairs himself by running, despite his age ...

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