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Why does Meghan Markle always look sad?

Why does Meghan Markle always look sad?

Why does Meghan Markle always look sad?

 Life in the royal family may guarantee status, but it doesn't guarantee happiness. Back when Meghan Markle first started dating Prince Harry, we can only assume that she didn't anticipate the onslaught of nasty reporters coming for her every day. Meghan already knew what celebrity life was like, so she was no stranger to gossip -- but we can all agree that things went a bit too far when she became a duchess. Way too far.

If we were dealing with our private details being published, having our families scrutinized, and putting up with some flat out racism ... yeah, we'd want to quit royalty too.

People usually think of being royal as a cake walk. Pretty dresses, castles, and adoring fans -- how hard could it be? Harder than celeb life, that's for sure. Sure, she may be happy with Prince Harry, but dealing with the inner drama of the royal family in addition to becoming a first-time mom to Archie sounds seriously stressful. If we were in her shoes, we don't know what we'd do. We just know that things haven't been easy for Meghan, and she's not crazy for thinking she's been targeted. There's tons of evidence of media celebrating Kate Middleton for the same things Meghan has been criticized for. Unfair would be an understatement.

Listen, people: Give her a break for stepping down as a senior member of the royal family. The Princess Diaries II taught us that royals should be able to choose their own path -- and we 100% agree.

Why does Meghan Markle always look sad?

Feeling Blue

That thousand yard stare says it all. It's so often that we see Meghan smile, but her frowns get lost in a sea of royal madness. We don't blame Meghan at all for her departure -- it's about time we stop expecting royals to smile all the time.

Why does Meghan Markle always look sad?

Deep Breath

It's OK, girl -- take a deep breath. Not only is Meghan expected to be happy all the time, but she's also expected to be sad on demand. Imagine if she had laughed at a joke during this Field of Remembrance ceremony. The media would have been all over her.

Why does Meghan Markle always look sad?

Tired of It

Getting to meet hundreds of adoring fans every other day may seem like a dream come true, but at the end of the day, she's not getting to live her own life. Her happiness should be on her own terms and no one else's.

Why does Meghan Markle always look sad?

Looking Low

No duchess should ever be looking this low -- lest the tiara falls off. Then again, kick that tiara to the curb, Meghan. She doesn't need to prove anything to anyone anymore, and we are 1000% here for her independence.

Why does Meghan Markle always look sad?

Royal Headache

Meghan, take our energy. Jet-setting all over the world isn't exactly relaxing, and with so many royal responsibilities, how could anyone cope with the stress? We hope our duchess is getting some well deserved R&R.

Why does Meghan Markle always look sad?


Meghan can't even pretend to be invested in what's happening, here -- and no one should be making her pretend, either. Such is the life of a dedicated wife and royal. Luckily, she doesn't need that latter title anymore.

Why does Meghan Markle always look sad?

A Touch Tense

There's something about Meghan's eyes that really tell a lot about her soul. That slightly furrowed brow says it all -- her worries, anxieties, and doubt. We know she's going to rise up from these ashes like a phoenix, though.

Why does Meghan Markle always look sad?

Break Time

Imagine all the effort that goes into every speech Meghan has to make. Whether she's in the mood to or not, she's forced to stiff-upper-lip her exhaustion and bad feelings in order to accommodate other people. Not anymore!

Why does Meghan Markle always look sad?


The Duchess of Sussex (she is still a duchess -- at least until we hear otherwise) is totally rocking a serious side-eye here. We'd be side-eyeing the paparazzi too if we were on our last leg of pregnancy and people were snapping pictures at us.

Why does Meghan Markle always look sad?

Not Fitting In

If this doesn't look like a still from a sitcom, we don't know what does. Meghan looks downright frightened of something in this pic -- and from Kate's expression, we're wondering why. Get out of there, Meghan!

Why does Meghan Markle always look sad?

Not Looking

We get it, Meghan -- we can't bear to watch the media circus anymore either. The message is loud and clear: She does not want to be here. We can't wait to see Meghan thriving on her own accord. We're here for #Megxit.

Why does Meghan Markle always look sad?

Paw Pals

Listen, maybe things aren't all that bad in this one -- she's got a dog! We know it's not enough to make up for the pages of tabloids, but at least she's keeping a cool head. Can we start a 2020 petition to give Meghan Markle a basket of puppies?

Why does Meghan Markle always look sad?

Paying Respect

Respect is a big part of how we treat other people. Meghan is constantly paying respect to individual fans, families, and even entire countries. It's about time someone finally gives her the basic respect she deserves.

Why does Meghan Markle always look sad?

Sitting Silently

We know that Meghan's had to suffer in silence for a long time, but we're glad that she's finally able to break the cycle. Not all royal events are high tea and fun -- some are just tedious and downright exhausting.

Why does Meghan Markle always look sad?

Shady Business

We get it, Meghan. We'd be putting on shades to mask our true feelings too if we had to deal with this drama every day. No amount of pep talking from Prince Harry can hide the truth: This situation just sucks all around.

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