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Covid-19. The frightening tale of Dr.Anthony Fauci, former medical adviser to Donald Trump

 Covid-19. The frightening tale of Dr.Anthony Fauci, former medical adviser to Donald Trump

Covid-19. The frightening tale of Dr.Anthony Fauci, former medical adviser to Donald Trump

He was the scientific and medical adviser to six US presidents before Joe Biden. His four years with Donald Trump have been a long nightmare, especially with the outbreak of Covid-19 in the United States. Dr Anthony Fauci, 80, told the New York Times about a president's delusions of UV and detergent to fight the pandemic, articles accusing him of inventing the virus and the death threats he and his family were the subject. A frightening tale.

Suppose we hit the body with UV or a strong light, or suppose we bring the light inside the body, which we can do through the skin or ... And then there is the disinfectant, which destroys the virus in a minute. Could it be injected into the body to cleanse it? Fight Covid-19 with UV or detergent. Finally, Dr.Anthony Fauci, Donald Trump's scientific and medical adviser to fight the coronavirus pandemic, will have missed the most incredible, the most frightening, the most appalling of the press conferences of the American president, held on April 24, 2020 in front of dumbfounded journalists and appalled advisers: he was not there that day. And how relieved he must have been - or not.

Because Anthony Fauci will have attended a few moments of anthology during Donald Trump's public speeches on "science". We remember his wide eyes, his eyes to the sky, his nervous smiles hardly repressed, his hand running over his face repeatedly as if to erase what looks like a bad dream.

For, above all, Dr. Anthony Fauci was for 40 years director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in the United States. And the special adviser to seven US presidents since 1984: Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump - and now Joe Biden. It is little to say that man is cool, whether it is in matters of health policy or medical experiments.

"Well, it's not that bad, is it? "

His four nightmare years alongside Donald Trump, Anthony Fauci told the New York Times, Monday, January 25, 2021. Just like his relief to work with Joe Biden, who promised a mobilization as in times of war in the face of Covid -19 and is committed to always giving the floor to scientists in full transparency.

A real paradigm shift, then. Because if Anthony Fauci, unlike Donald Trump, has always tried to tell - calmly and in a supported way - the truth to the country, his attitude has won him both the support of millions of Americans - and rejection of a good part of the partisans of the Republican billionaire, who did not forgive him his opposition to the president.

“When I tried to express the gravity of the situation, the president's response was always the same: Well, it's not that bad, is it? I replied: Yes, it is very serious. But the president was not listening to me ".

The worst thing, for Anthony Fauci, was that Donald Trump preferred to hear his friends' opinions over the phone rather than talk to scientists: "Trump was getting comments from people calling him, I don't know who, from people who were calling him. he knew in the business world, who were like, hey, I heard about this drug, right? Or: Dude, this recovering plasma is really phenomenal. For my part, I was trying to calmly explain to him that you find out if something works by doing the proper research, testing, clinical trials, and then subjecting your results to peer review. And he said: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this thing really works. And that's what happened with the hydroxychloroquine. "

But no more cheering: “In our meetings, we scientists explained: This is an epidemic. Infectious diseases take their own course unless something is done to intervene. And Trump would stand up and say: It will go away, it's magic, it will go away. So I had to contradict him in public. I didn't enjoy it. But I had to do it. And that's where my troubles started. "

Its troubles: the word is weak. It started with an internal destabilization campaign: His entourage was upset that I dared publicly contradict the president. As a result, his services allowed Peter Navarro (an adviser to Donald Trump, N.D.L.R.) to write an op-ed in USA Today claiming that I was wrong about most of the things I said. Or asked the White House press office to send reporters a detailed list of things I said that turned out to be wrong - which was absurd: those things were all true!

Cabal, newspaper articles and death threats

The president himself tackles his advisor: Hey, why aren't you more positive? You have to take a positive attitude. Why are you so negative? Be more positive. And threatens to fire him in public.

Worse, press articles are published accusing Dr.Anthony Fauci of having invented the virus and of being part of a secret cabal organized with Bill Gates (boss of Microsoft) and George Soros (American billionaire) in order to take advantage of the financial windfall of vaccines.

Worse still: he and his family receive death threats. Donald Trump's many supporters can't stand him contradicting presidential words, let alone in public. “The harassment of my wife, and especially my children, upset me more than anything else. They knew where my kids work, where they live. Threats came directly to their phones, or to their homes. And on the internet, people were talking to each other, threatening, saying, Hey, we've got to get rid of this guy. What are we going to do with him? It hurts the president's chances. You know, that kind of right-wing madness. "

One day Anthony Fauci even received a letter bomb in the mail: “I opened it and a puff of powder fell on my face and my chest. It was very, very disturbing for me and my wife. I said: What should I do? The security services were there, they said: Don't move, stay in the room. And some hazardous materials people came in, and they sprayed me with a product. In fact, the powder was harmless. But you can't help but wonder. And my wife and kids were even more upset than I was. "

"This time, that's it: we let science speak"

Asked by The New York Times whether he could - or should have - resigned, Anthony Fauci was very clear: “No. I felt that if I quit it would leave a void. Someone should not be afraid to speak the truth. They always tried to downplay the real issues and talk a little lightly about how things were going. And I was always like, Wait a minute, wait guys, this is serious business. Overall, I felt it would be better for the country and for the scientific cause to stay rather than go. "

Asked about the Biden era, Anthony Fauci - now 80 - insists that we are living through a historic pandemic, unprecedented for more than a century: You know, throughout my professional life, I have struggled against pandemics - AIDS, influenza, Ebola, Zika, malaria, tuberculosis… It's my job. I think what I bring in the management of this crisis is something that has great added value.

On January 21, during his first media briefing under the Biden administration, the doctor approached the desk. He was smiling, but relaxed - nothing nervous this time. He described the liberating feeling of being able to stand up here again and talk about what we know. To be able to explain what is the evidence, the knowledge. And to think that this time, that's it: we let science speak.

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