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Death of Prince Philip: will Prince Harry and Meghan Markle attend the funeral?

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 Death of Prince Philip: will Prince Harry and Meghan Markle attend the funeral?

Death of Prince Philip: will Prince Harry and Meghan Markle attend the funeral?

Angry with the whole family for nearly a year, will the resigning couple come to meditate on the remains of Prince Philip? Opinions are divided.

The whole kingdom was preparing for this sad news. And probably Queen Elisabeth II first. Prince Philip therefore died this Friday, April 9, a few months before blowing out his hundredth candle. If the preparations for his funeral are already underway and the various members of the Windsor firm express their sadness through social networks or official statements interposed, a question remains on everyone's lips: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle who have not set foot on British soil since March 2020 will they agree to come and say a last goodbye to their grandfather?

Harry certainly

If nothing official has yet emanated from the side of the Sussex couple, the observers them advance a few pawns. For the majority, yes Harry will do his best to come to England and support his grandmother and of course his father in this ordeal. But they insist that he is also likely to have the soup to the grimace upon his arrival not only on behalf of the royal family but also of the people. Resentful subjects that do not forgive him his recent interview big unpacking in the United States in which some untruths have sprung up. Some columnists even bet on "Harry Go Home" signs near Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle.

Meghan not sure

What about Meghan? Five months pregnant, many are betting that she will not make the long trip from California but that for now she must probably consult the advice of her doctors. The most slanderous say that her pregnancy nevertheless provides her with an excellent pretext not to come .... Too bad of course if the young woman does not come because her presence could help to strengthen the strongly distended bonds and appease the spirits.

Finally, if Harry finally decided not to come, it would be a grave affront to the rest of the royal clan. Even the meaning of a firm, definitive break without return. The sovereign who has always passed everything to her cherished grandson would not forgive her - and we can understand her a little - such an absence. To be continued...

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