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Did Donald Trump Stop Dyeing His Hair?

 Did Donald Trump Stop Dyeing His Hair?

Did Donald Trump Stop Dyeing His Hair?

The 2020 election really changed Donald Trump. Starting with the color of her hair

There are two imaginative pillars that have always distinguished the figure of Donald Trump: his imposing red tie and his blond tuft. Above all, the appearance of the hair has always been an element on which the President has leveraged, being aware of his "iconicity", so much so as to make him the subject of even a sketch during an interview with Jimmy Fallon (interview costing the comedian much ). 

But since November 3, the date of the US elections, something seems to have changed radically: as commentators on the network have noted, Trump's blond tuft has taken on a more gray hue. Why? Why the outgoing President has decided to show himself in public with a different look than usual.

It is difficult to think, as some ironic voices have pointed out, that Trump was abandoned by his trusted hairdresser and yet one cannot fail to notice the important change in the image of the president who, even after being hospitalized for covid-19, had shown himself with the short of breath, but with perfectly tidy hair.

There are basically two reasons we can find Trump's sudden graying.

First of all, Donald Trump may have undergone stress depigmentation: in a study published by Harvard in Nature, in fact, it was shown how strong stress can damage the stem cells of the hair follicles responsible for hair pigmentation. The electoral rally combined with hospitalization for covid-19 could have generated precisely this depigmentation.

Did Donald Trump Stop Dyeing His Hair?

The second opinion, entirely ours, is instead that The Don is already playing the game for 2024: by losing a part of his "iconic baggage", Trump perhaps thinks of eliminating even part of what led him to lose some bulwarks of the Republican party and to become the fourth President not re-elected from the postwar period to the present.

So here is a new Trump with new hair, with a new rhetoric (still to be built since the last few weeks have offered us a pure Donald) and perhaps new recurring themes. For the last two things, however, we fear that it really takes more than a touch of the hairdresser.

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