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Donald Trump and Melania, separated in the House (White)

 Donald Trump and Melania, separated in the House (White)

Donald Trump and Melania, separated in the House (White)

They don't sleep and eat together. They are also avoided in their free time. He picked up on tweets, golf, and dinners. She can't stand Ivanka anymore, she takes care of Barron

They don't sleep together, they don't eat together. Between Donald Trump's West Wing and Melania Trump's East Wing it is as if there was a wall. The president wakes up at 5.30 and immediately watches TV and tweets, the First Lady wakes up in her bedroom a little later and immediately devotes herself to her son Barron, who has to go to school. But the presidential couple 'avoids' themselves even during their free time. 

The Washington Post reconstructs the separate lives of the American president and the First Lady, citing some sources. In Mar-a-Lago, now known as the White House in winter, Trump plays golf and dines with politicians and businessmen, while Melania stays well out of the spotlight. And the distance between the two has increased with the scandal of pornstar Stormy Daniels and Playboy bunny Karen McDougal.

Melania's staff denies the reconstructions, pointing out how different lifestyles are linked to the fact that the First lady is focused on being a mom and playing her role as the president's wife, "everything else is nonsense."

Among the differences between Trump and Melania there is also the different, almost opposite style. Trump prefers big rallies, Melania prefers to address small groups on public occasions. The First Lady is aware of the criticisms leveled at her, especially in her battle against cyberbullying, a phenomenon of which her husband is considered a master. "I am aware of the skepticism towards me in addressing this topic - admitted Melania when meeting the managers of the technology companies in March - but this will not prevent me from doing what I think is right".

Melania on some occasions - reports the Washington Post - offers advice to Trump. In 2017, she told him that he should have been more concerned about the Russiagate investigation and that his lawyers weren't protecting him. But the president would have replied that the investigation would have relieved him of any suspicion and that his lawyers were doing a good job. The First Lady would later express her opposition to some members of the administration, including Steve Bannon. According to the reconstructions, there is bad blood between Melania and Ivanka Trump. After the initial ascent, Ivanka has been more secluded in recent months while Melania is taking flight.

According to several White House staff members, Melania has raised a wall between the east wing, where she is renovating her office, and the west wing, where her husband and daughter Ivanka Trump's offices are located. "She Rarely sets foot in the west wing," said one person familiar with the corridors of the White House. Still, many political analysts are convinced Trump will need Melania alongside him if he is to win again in 2020. The Trumps have marked a major break with the traditional form of presidential family. And this was evident from the first day of settlement. While Melania was standing next to the president, in fact, her two ex-wives, Ivana Trump and Marla Maples, sat in the crowd. Trump is the first president to have been married three times. Even the personal difference is a breaking point. Melania is 48 and the president is 71. Another oddity: instead of moving to the White House with her husband, Melania stayed in New York for six months to allow Barron to finish the school year. This delay initially put Melania at a disadvantage: according to a friend, the pace of the White House was already under way, and the first lady was out of the game. Thus some figures from the east wing were diverted to the west, in support of Ivanka, increasing the already evident distance between the two.

As is known, the two "first women" of the White House, both former models, do not have a good relationship and are temperamentally very different from each other. What is certain is that, as the Washington Post notes, although Ivanka was initially more popular than Melania, to date it seems clear that Mrs. Trump is taking her place again.

For some time now, the first ladies have acquired considerable influence, including politically. Not only informal adviser to the most powerful man in the world, but also true icons for important social causes. Laura Bush, for example, founded the National Book Festival and, in her travels abroad, has been involved in the fight against HIV; while Michelle Obama has been committed, throughout the tenure of her husband Barack, to the promotion of education for girls and healthy eating. Melania's staff is made up of ten people: half that of Michelle's.

It cannot be said for certain that Melania is not determined. As we read in the Washington Post, the first lady would be willing to know everything about her role, so much so that she borrowed books from the White House Historical Association to study duties that pertain to her figure. It also seems that you are about to outline a new initiative that sees children as protagonists. Several polls show that in the face of this increase in visibility, Melania's popularity is growing.

About her battle against cyberbullying, Melania says she is "well aware that people are skeptical of me". "I have been criticized for my efforts to address this issue and I know it will continue. But these attacks will not stop me from doing what I know is right," the first lady said. "We have to find a better way to talk to each other, disagree, respect each other", referring to the often improper use of social networks.

As is often the case with first ladies, Melania is more popular than Donald. Suffice it to say that, according to a CNN poll in January, Melania's approval rating is 47%, while that of the president stops at 40%. Trump himself, however, recognizes the importance of his wife and in a recent email sent to his supporters he called Melania "my rock and my foundation", adding: "I would not be the man I am today without her. by my side". She, who for Donald is a "beautiful, kind and exceptional" wife. Another person close to the president said that during his institutional travels she heard Trump call Melania for a confrontation: "She is a person you rely on and who listens."

Also from the Washington Post, it is reported that Trump insisted on having a prenup when he married Melania thirteen years ago, just as he had already done with his two previous wives. The terms were never made public, but a person close to Melania noted that the prenuptial contract was signed prior to her political career. Career that forced Melania to fill a completely new and "unpaid" role.

On the web, meanwhile, the irony around the first lady is rampant. "Free Melania!" continues to be a very popular meme. There are many comic skits that portray her trapped inside the White House, unhappy. For months the rumor has been circulating that Melania doesn't really live with her husband in the presidential residence, but in a house of hers with her and Barron's parents, near the school that the boy attends. Melania's spokesperson firmly denies: "It's a thousand percent false. We laugh every time we hear this story." "He's an urban legend," said Rickie Niceta Lloyd, secretary of the White House.

The truth is that Melania is very attached to her parents, whom Barron's son Barron - who also speaks Slovenian with his grandparents - is particularly fond of. In fact, the first lady spends a lot of time in the White House, according to reports from those who work there, and she has an excellent relationship with the staff of about 100 people, including chefs, florists and butlers. She is the one who oversees the estate. Her friends reveal that she is a perfectionist who oversees even the most insignificant details of the events she is involved in.

She likes to put her signature on the historic home, so much so that she redesigns the presidential family's quarters. While Trump favors gold and glitter for the Trump Tower penthouse, Melania has chosen neutral colors. Another "weak" point of the first lady, for which she has often been targeted, is that of her English of her a bit 'shaky. Even though she is not her native language, Melania is getting used to speaking in public. And this is also testified by her videos of her work that the first lady has begun to publish. In the last, Melania is intent on preparing for the state dinner in honor of French President Emmanuel Macron. Almost one and a half million people watched the video.

Twenty-two years after setting foot in the United States as a model, today the first lady is one of the most photographed women in the world. Paolo Zampolli, who followed Melania in her career in America, said that Melania is now blossoming in the White House. "It's an incredible story. It's the American dream," Zampolli said. "She will truly become the queen of people's hearts, like Princess Diana."

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