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Michelle Obama and Barack Obama: The Love Story the Presidency Faced

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 Michelle Obama and Barack Obama: The Love Story the Presidency Faced

Michelle Obama and Barack Obama: The Love Story the Presidency Faced

Like any other couple, their story has a beginning, and fortunately it has not yet come to an end

Michelle Obama and Barack Obama: The Love Story the Presidency Faced

In 1989, Barack Obama and Michelle Robinson went on a date to see Spike Lee's movie "Do The Right Thing." More than 30 years later they became one of the most influential couples in the world. In tribute to the happy couple, we will tell you their great love story that has been one of the few to face the presidency with such class.

The couple met when Michelle was working as a marketing associate in the Chicago offices of the Sidley Austin law firm. In 1989 she was assigned as an advisor to a Harvard intern. Her name was Barack Obama, and the rest, as they say, is

Michelle Obama and Barack Obama: Their Great Love Story

Michelle Robinson, 25, was tasked with teaching the new kid, Barack, the functions of the law firm where they worked. "Because I went to Harvard and he went to Harvard, the company thought, 'Oh, we'll connect these two people,'" Michelle told ABC News.

Barack, 28, suspended his job as a community organizer and helped some of the city's poorest neighborhoods pay off their student loans while he worked at the company.

And it's a good thing he did. “At the luckiest moment in my life, Michelle was assigned as my advisor. I remember that she surprised me how tall and beautiful she was. " Michelle, however, was not so impressed. Although Barack was causing quite a stir in the office, with women taking note of his intelligence and his handsome looks, Michelle remained skeptical. “In my experience, you put any half-smart black man in a suit and whites tend to go crazy. I had doubts that he had earned the hype, "she wrote in her 2018 memoir," Becoming. "

“I asked her out. She rejected me. I kept asking. She kept refusing, ”Barack recalled, mentioning that Michelle rejected him because she was his boss. But if someone puts an obstacle in front of Barack, he will find a way to clear it. When Michelle recalls courting her in her book, she wrote, “Yet not once did I think of him as someone I wanted to date. 

On the one hand, I was his mentor at the company. She had also recently given up dating entirely, she was too consumed with work to put any effort into it. "Like a true romantic, Barack offered to quit his job and then asked her out again. And finally she said yes. On their first date they had lunch outside an art museum and a Spike Lee movie, followed by a leisurely stroll that culminated in a stop at an ice cream parlor and a heartwarming kiss in a park. Since then, local business owners have installed a plaque that commemorates the place of your first date, as if it were a historical and tourist place.

The couple dated for two years before Barack proposed to her. Staying true to their roots in Windy City, Barack and Michelle were married in Chicago. Michelle's brother, Craig, walked her down the aisle, with Barack's brother as her godfather. At the reception, the couple - her in an off-the-shoulder 90s dress that perfectly suited the era - danced their first dance to Stevie Wonder's "You and I" and then headed to the California Coast to celebrate their Honeymoon. The couple wrote their own vows for each other, and Michelle Obama shared that Barack's sincere feelings were a preview of what their future together would look like. “Barack didn't promise riches, just a life that would be interesting. He kept that promise, ”she said.

On July 4, 1998, Malia Ann Obama was born. And we can't help but notice the patriotic significance of her date of birth, and the possible premonition she had of her: Malia would practically grow up in the White House, with her parents fulfilling their respective mandates as the First Couple of the nation.

On June 10, 2001, Natasha “Sasha” Obama was born. “When Malia and Sasha were newborn, Barack and I could waste hours just watching them sleep. We loved hearing the little sounds they made, especially the way they cooed when they were deep in their dreams, "recalled Michelle in an interview. Later, at age 7, Sasha would become the youngest person to live in the White House.

Although Barack served as a state senator from 1997 to 2004, he was elected state senator from Illinois in 2004 and served from 2005 to 2008. Born in Hawaii and the fifth African-American in congressional history to serve in the United States Senate, Barack he was officially a great politician, and Michelle was with him the whole time. As his right-hand man during his campaign, Michelle was also named vice president of community and external affairs at the University of Chicago Hospitals.

After “Yes, We Can” proved to be a true statement of change and hope for Americans in 2008, Barack Obama was sworn in as president the following year after defeating Republican candidate John McCain, with an unprecedented crowd in Washington, DC. Obama ran for president for a second term, defeating Republican candidate Mitt Romney, meaning the world was given four more years with the now iconic Obamas, who became an extremely popular couple.

 And although the couple left the White House in 2016, their legacy has endured, and not just in the history books, but also in modern art housed in the American Portrait Gallery in the capital. And, of course, in our hearts!

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