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The Queen of England prohibits Meghan Markle from wearing the jewelry worn by Lady Di

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 The Queen of England prohibits Meghan Markle from wearing the jewelry worn by Lady Di

The Queen of England prohibits Meghan Markle from wearing the jewelry worn by Lady Di

The tension is growing every day at Buckingham Palace. The differences between the royal family and Meghan Markle seem to become bigger and more evident every day, because in recent weeks we have witnessed a series of events that make it clear that as much cordiality as they show in public does not exist. Thus, it is not surprising that the American actress and Prince Harry have decided to put land in between and separate their residence from that of William and Kate, with their own independence from Kensignton Palace, but controlled by Queen Elizabeth II, who you don't want them to act without your supervision.

And it seems that the sovereign does not like too much how Meghan has behaved, despite the fact that there is harmony between them. Because now the British media reveal that Elizabeth II would have forbidden Meghan to wear the jewels and crowns used by Lady Di, the mother of princes. And all this while Kate would lend them without problems, which would have annoyed Harry a lot and increased his distance with his brother, which would have started with the supposed enmity of his wife.

According to 'The Sun', everything would come as a result of the wedding of Harry and Meghan, when the behavior of the young woman -which caused her assistant to resign- would have been such that it would have displeased Elizabeth II, which would have caused her to stop lending to him the jewels of the late Diana. Because it is she who gives instructions to her team to give the duchesses the royal jewels that they must wear in official acts.

This medium indicates that the Queen would have been impressed by the demands of Meghan, who is also a new member of the royal family, which would have caused that not all the jewels in the royal collection are available to her. Although Elizabeth II would not be against the young woman, she wants to show her that there is a hierarchy that she must follow and that, for the moment, it is not her turn to wear these pieces.

"Even if Meghan was the most popular woman in the world, she would rank lower than Kate in the family," say palace sources. Therefore, Elizabeth II would not have been blinded by the Hollywood spotlights that Markle brought and she would simply be guided by the rules of royalty, which no one can argue.

Simpler jewelry than Kate

For example, for her wedding, Meghan wanted to wear an emerald tiara, to which the Queen refused, advising her to use the platinum one with a diamond that she wore. For her visit to the Fiji Islands last year, the actress wanted to take another tiara, but this time it was Prince Charles who stopped her feet.

The Queen of England prohibits Meghan Markle from wearing the jewelry worn by Lady Di

Today, the British royal family has a collection of jewelery that has been created over the last 400 years and consists of more than a million objects, among which there is practically everything. It is the regent king -in this case Elizabeth II- who has the property of him, which is passed by inheritance to the next monarch. While there are some jewels that are for the sovereign's personal use.

For her part, Kate has worn many jewelry both from the Queen and others worn by Lady Di, the last one, a tiara at a wedding last October. "Obviously, Kate is going to be the next Princess of Wales, which gives her a higher status within the family than Meghan and greater access to the royal jeweler," Buckingham sources say. Thus, Meghan would be relegated to the background for issues of the genealogical tree, something of which no one is guilty but that can make the differences between the family increase. Because comparisons are hateful.

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