Trump changes his hair color and the networks are filled with jokes about his new 'look'
Before his hair was blond and now platinum gray. That has been the most talked about in Donald Trump's first appearance since he lost the election.
Donald Trump has little left to remain president of the United States, but it does not seem that for this reason he will stop talking about him. Especially if he continues to mark his mythical dances, releasing comments that are always published on social networks or, as in this case, changing the tone of his mythical blonde hair.
In one of the first speeches since Democrat Joe Biden's victory in the presidential election, Trump has appeared at a press conference with platinum gray hair. That is to say, it seems that he has stopped dyeing it with that color that he has always been so commented on.
It happened this past Friday in an appearance in which he spoke about the vaccine for Covid-19 and showed his refusal to impose confinement for the coronavirus. Although the United States has recorded its worst data of the pandemic, the still president has declared that he does not plan to quarantine the country.
But these statements, as we have clarified previously, have been little commented on among users of social networks. What Twitter has really captured have been photographs of his new 'look'. These are Trump's first statements in eight days, but this time he has not acknowledged his defeat either. And between that and his new hair, Twitter has been a show of humor.
Qué momento raro eligió Trump para dejarse el pelo con su color natural. En cualquier momento empieza a hacer masa madre.
— hindelita (@hindelita) November 13, 2020
Trump con el pelo blanco. La tintura color pichi debe estar escaseando.
— Cthulhux (@chutulux) November 14, 2020
Trump también es de los que se hacen cosas en el pelo cuando tienen una crisis
— Kimanov (el electrobardo) (@vamos_va) November 13, 2020
Trump reapareció en conferencia de prensa con el pelo blanco. Recuerdo otro momento similar de la cultura popular.
— D.V. (@VillalobosJara) November 13, 2020
Donald Trump tiene una estrategia para no dejar de presidir Estados Unidos: convertirse en Joe Biden.
— Nuria Ibáñez (@IPNuria) November 14, 2020
Adjunto pruebad. Ha empezado con un cambio de color de pelo... ¿Qué será lo próximo?
Que medio Twitter esté hablando del color de pelo de Trump dice todo sobre la comparecencia... Nada nuevo.
— Dori Toribio (@DoriToribio) November 13, 2020
Trump tiene el pelo blanco porque la elección lo hizo más sabio, ya lo veremos compitiendo por el Senado dentro de dos años
— Andy Tow (@andy_tow) November 13, 2020
The best tweets about Trump's hair makeover
— Luis S. Herrero (@lherrero) November 13, 2020