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5 good reasons to adore the Kardashians and 5 more - all equally good - to hate them

 5 good reasons to adore the Kardashians and 5 more - all equally good - to hate them

5 good reasons to adore the Kardashians and 5 more - all equally good - to hate them

You wonder where they come from, who they are and especially why they are famous. You wonder who the Jenners are. You wonder who their fathers are. When you see them on TV, you ask yourself, like Francis Cabrel in front of the Arènes de Nîmes: “Is this world serious?”. And since the answer is "no, he's not," here's a little list that I hope will help you love the Kardashians. Or not.

The Kardashian-Jenner first name affair

PROS: Kris (The Mother of Dragons) gives her 5 daughters names beginning with K, even if she has to change the usual spelling of American names to do so. So, among others, a little Kourtney and a little Khloé are born. Which proves that mom already had a marketing idea behind her mind. Such a long-term view, you can only bow.

AGAINST: You feel guilty. Because since you caught the K shot and even though you know it's unlikely that Kris will put it back at her age, you look up the names of Kim and Kendall's possible future sisters - and you put yourself to love Krystal and Kolyne. Your natural elegance is leaving you, you feel it, you know it, but you can't help it.

Families, I hate you (me)

PROS: The Kardashians work together and make millions of dollars a year. You, if you see your sister for more than 3 hours straight, you feel the urge to hide in the kitchen, sit on the floor and empty a bottle of Chardonnay straight into your throat. Kim, Kloe and Kourtney see each other every day without killing each other. Respect.

AGAINST: You feel guilty. Because you tell yourself that with your taste for the combo of clothes / decoration / organic vegetables - and with your sister's chartered accountant diploma - you could have opened THE ultimate concept store at the start of this century. Which of course is impossible with a stuck Visa, a banker who seems on the verge of suicide the moment he sees you, and a sister you've called Ginette-la-calculette-à-Glasses since she was 13.

The case of feminine curves

PROS: They brought shapes up to date. Not just any, though. You can afford to have a plump type bottom and generous type hips, but manage to have a super slim waist and super flat stomach. On these 4 criteria, you already meet half of them. Hashtag Pride.

AGAINST: You feel guilty. Because by rolling your eyes and saying "Ooooh how are you, have you seen Khloé Kardashian's butt?" and take the opportunity to eat your 84th Mon Chéri of the evening, you end up having Khloé K's buttocks. Everywhere. Even under the chin, even in the neck.

An OSEF spirit

PRO: You don't know exactly what was at stake for a pregnant Kim one night to say to Kanye West, “Yeah, well you know what? If I'm wrong, the kid we call her North and that's it. Come on, tope there ”. But what you do know is that Kim honors her commitments when she loses a bet, even against her husband. Do not deny it: it is all the same proof of a beautiful spirit.

AGAINST: You feel guilty. Because when you learned the little girl's name, you laughed. Then you thought about it. Brought down to the level of ordinary French-speaking mortals that we are, the North West coup, it is a bit as if you had married Monsieur Don, and that you had called your son Guy. Got it? We all agree, even laughing about it is forbidden.

Beauty codes

PROS: Kim Kardashian’s beauty routine is 1.5 hours each morning, 50 processing steps, 40 products used and a weekly bill of $ 1,200. Before each event, she gets makeup done by a professional who spends 3 hours just on her face and, among other things, applies mink false eyelashes to her. When you read it, you were dreamy for a while and then you made a firm decision to start paying "real attention to yourself." Even if it means spending Belgium's GDP at Sephora.

AGAINST: You feel guilty. Because you calculated that in order to "really take care of yourself" (while continuing to "really take care of the man and the child"), you had to get up at 4 a.m. every day. You also calculated that if you bought what Vanity Fair said you needed to start looking like Kim K from a distance, the whole family would have to stop eating on the 18th of each month. So you gave up (and you don't like to give up). But this time you did it all the more easily as the Man, some time later, took your face in his big hands, kissed you on the tip of your nose and sighed: “Stop a bit with it. your nonsense, idiot. I love you as you are".

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