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Angelina Jolie accuses the judge who decides the custody of her children of unfair trial

 Angelina Jolie accuses the judge who decides the custody of her children of unfair trial

Angelina Jolie accuses the judge who decides the custody of her children of unfair trial

The actress has demanded that the testimonies of the six boys be heard in court and her proposal has been rejected, so she wants to remove the magistrate from the case

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's divorce is still endless. The process began almost five years ago and since then, although there has been progress (in fact, they were declared “single” by a judge in 2019), the question about their finances and the custody of their children is stagnant. The latest information dates from March, when it was learned that each one had already spent a million dollars in the process that will decide the custody of the six children they have in common.

Now, new court documents obtained by the Associated Press news agency show that the Maleficent actress would not be happy with the judicial treatment that is being dispensed to her. Jolie complains that the judge who decides the custody issue has refused to allow the six youths (ages 12-19) to testify. Something that for her is very relevant "for the safety of the children and for her well-being," according to AP, which explains that the documents do not detail the reasons why such listening would be relevant.

Jolie, 45, has even tried to remove Judge John Ouderkirk from the case, despite the fact that she and Pitt chose him together to handle it (she is a private judge). The actress has argued that the magistrate has a business relationship with one of Pitt's lawyers. Furthermore, according to her lawyers, "Judge Ouderkirk has denied Jolie a fair trial, improperly excluding relevant evidence about her children's health, safety and well-being, critical to this case," the statement reads. court document, in which it is reproached that the judge "has failed to consider adequately" the California code which says that it is detrimental to the interest of children if custody is awarded to someone who has history of sexist violence.

These accusations by Jolie towards Brad Pitt, 56, intensified at the end of last March, when the actress claimed that Pitt had committed "abuse", but the actor was never arrested or charged with any type of crime against her or her children during the marriage. Yes, there was an incident on board a plane between Pitt and his son Maddox, then 15 years old, in September 2016. The FBI came to investigate Pitt for that incident and came to consider subjecting him to a federal investigation, which finally closed no fees.

Ouderkirk's decision not to listen to the children, "as well as their experiences, needs or wishes on the custody issue" has also been discussed by Pitt's attorneys. They have also wanted to give their version of the issue, ensuring that the judge's conduct in the last six months has been "rigorous and fair" and that all this has led to "a provisional resolution and order after hearing experts and witnesses. ”. For Pitt's team, Jolie's request that the children be heard accused a "lack of credibility in important areas."

In addition, they demand that “custody between the parties should be modified, at the request of Mr. Pitt, for the interests of the children” and believe that the fact that the agreement is delayed “may cause serious harm to the children, to whom stability would be denied them ”. However, Jolie has stated that she will appeal if the judge decides to make the provisional custody agreement that she now has final.

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