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Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox, two movie beauties with a lot in common

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Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox, two movie beauties with a lot in common

Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox, two movie beauties with a lot in common

Their feline features, passion for action movies and their weakness for tattoos have marked these celluloid heroines

Megan Fox has said on more than one occasion that she is fed up with being compared to Angelina Jolie all the time. But it is inevitable to draw certain parallels between the personal and professional lives of both actresses. With a difference of eleven years between the two - Megan is 23 years old and Angelina is 34 - they cannot deny that they share certain physical traits. Brad Pitt's girlfriend and Brian Austin Green's former partner have managed to make half the world fall at their feet. Both Angelina and Megan are common in the rankings of female beauty and have not only managed to be recognized for their acting skills but also for having become two sex symbols of the 21st century.

Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox, two movie beauties with a lot in common

Their slanted eyes, high cheekbones and voluptuous lips have made them the protagonists of many dreams. As far as their style is concerned, they have also shared it in their youth. At the end of the nineties, Angelina offered a sensual and even provocative image but over the years she has opted for more elegant outfits, which insinuate more than teach. Megan Fox goes the same way, stomping on the planet's red carpets.

Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox, two movie beauties with a lot in common

Both of them radiate strength in their looks and their gestures. Perhaps she has a lot to do with the characters with whom they rose to fame. Jolie did it in the skin of Lara Croft and Fox as Mikaela Banes in Transformers, although perhaps soon the latter will take the role of the famous archaeologist replacing Angelina in a future sequel. Like good self-respecting stars, they have had romances with well-known actors. The first dated Johnny Lee Miller, married Billy Bob Thornton, and then fell into the arms of Brad Pitt. For her part, Megan has had a back-and-forth relationship with television broadcaster Brian Austin Green.

Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox, two movie beauties with a lot in common

But here the coincidences between the lives of these actresses do not end. Both Megan and Angelina are genuinely fascinated by tattoos. There are many who adorn their privileged anatomies. Philosophical scraps, mythological animals or the face of Marilyn Monroe herself are drawn on her skin. However, their passion for this technique has given them a headache on more than one occasion. Fox is still not very clear about what she will happen to the tattoo with the name of 'Brian', with whom she seems that she has a stormy relationship back and forth. For her part, Jolie was clear that she wanted to erase from her left arm the memory of her ex-husband, Billy Bob Thornton, and she replaced her spelling with the coordinates of the birthplace of the six children her.

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