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Emma Stone has secretly married her boyfriend Dave McCary

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 Emma Stone has secretly married her boyfriend Dave McCary

Emma Stone has secretly married her boyfriend Dave McCary

The winner of an Oscar for the musical film 'La La Land', Emma Stone, 31, and the writer and screenwriter of the popular comedy show 'Saturday Night Live', Dave McCary, 35, have secretly married, According to the portal specialized in celebrities 'Page Six', citing sources close to the couple.

The marriage met in 2016 when the actress came as a guest to the program to promote one of her films and since then they began a courtship that they have carried out with the utmost discretion. At least until they excited her fans with the announcement of her engagement through his Instagram account.

A smiling photo of both in which Emma wore a spectacular ring with a heart emoji for all comments confirmed that both would go through the altar. Unlike other famous couples who have postponed their wedding plans until the coronavirus pandemic allows it, they would have decided to opt for an intimate ceremony, as the model Natalia Vodianova and Antoine Arnault also did a few days ago in Paris.

Last May Emma Stone already showed that she had changed her engagement ring for another smooth and gold ring during an Instagram live with the actress and producer Reese Witherspoon. That unexpected change of rings already made her fans suppose that the wedding had already taken place in secret. A fact that would later be confirmed by recent photos of the couple walking through Los Angeles in which both wear wedding rings.

In the images of the paparazzi, it also highlights what many have interpreted as an incipient belly in the actress, which has unleashed the rumors of her pregnancy.

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