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Meghan Markle has had cosmetic surgery, "there is no doubt about it"

 Meghan Markle has had cosmetic surgery, "there is no doubt about it"

Meghan Markle has had cosmetic surgery, "there is no doubt about it"

The opinion of a specialist, who has studied the face of the American actress and delivers a categorical verdict. Really?

It will probably not be long before the first unauthorized biographies of Meghan Markle bloom on the road to her marriage to Prince Harry. In the meantime, revelations of all kinds are already emerging here and there, including in the pages of the magazine Public, where a specialist in cosmetic surgery delivers a categorical observation: "She has certainly undergone rhinoplasty, it does not no doubt. "

Asked by our colleagues, Doctor Thierry Ktorza is formal: even if he admits that it is "difficult to know if it is a complete rhinoplasty or only the tip of the nose", the Parisian plastic surgeon "Note that the tip of her nose was rounder and more globular" when Meghan Markle was a teenager and that it is "more harmonious today than when she was younger". "It is an operation that is commonly practiced by movie or television personalities", he believes it is good to add, detailing the principles of this intervention on the cartilage which lasts "between two and three hours and requires a week of convalescence. with a plaster cast on her nose for eight days ".

An expert opinion that it is not necessarily easy to share after observing the many photos of the childhood and adolescence of Meghan Markle published in particular by the Daily Mail and shared by her relatives. The transformation so glaring in the eyes of the surgeon may not be so in the eyes of the general public.

It is in any case with a breathtaking naturalness that the now ex-American actress of 36 years, starized by her role in the series Suits, met for the first time her future British compatriots on Friday December 1, 2017: accompanying the Prince Harry in Nottingham for two official engagements, Meghan was unanimous, as much by her ease and her sense of contact as by her charisma and her look.

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