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Melania Trump achieved residency in the United States with "the Einstein visa"

Melania Trump achieved residency in the United States with "the Einstein visa"

Melania Trump achieved residency in the United States with "the Einstein visa"

The former Slovenian model got an exclusive residence permit reserved for people with extraordinary abilities

20 years ago Melania Knauss was just another model, trying her luck in New York. But shortly after landing in the United States, the Slovenian began dating magnate Donald Trump, which opened the doors to major leagues and contracts with fashion magazines. That year, in 2000, the young immigrant also applied for a residence permit granted for people with “extraordinary abilities”; Informally known as "the Einstein visa", which is chosen by winners of Nobel prizes or artists of world renown.

At the time, Melania's biggest hit was a Camel ad stamped in Times Square and a photoshoot from the swimsuit issue of Sports Illustrated magazine, in which she appeared hugging an inflatable killer whale, wearing a black bikini. In March 2001, after a few months of paperwork, the model obtained her exclusive visa, the description of which indicates that her beneficiaries have “a long-standing national and international fame”. In 2001, according to The Washington Post, the EB-1 program was only granted to about 3,000 people, less than 1% of the 1 million visas granted in that period.

How the current first lady justified entering such a select group remains a mystery. "Mrs. Trump was more than qualified and she could be perfectly chosen," Michael Wildes, the woman's attorney, defended the Post. Wildes declined to specify those qualifications that Melania highlighted in her application and stated that they will not make the document public. For Bruce Morrison, a former congressman and one of the creators of the EB-1 program, Melania's professional background does not warrant the granting of that visa. Although there are no concrete examples, candidates must show proof of excellence in the arts, extensive reputation in the business world, or obtaining a world-class award.

Beyond her, her residence permit allowed him to begin the process so that her parents could also receive American citizenship, which they could get this year, through a program that her husband wants to close. Under that system, a legal resident can use the justification of family ties so that her close loved ones obtain the same status. "CHAIN ​​MIGRATION must end now!" Trump tweeted in November, stating that it is a weak program that allows entry to terrorists and others who may pose a threat to the country.

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