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The day Kim Kardashian wanted to be black

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The day Kim Kardashian wanted to be black

The day Kim Kardashian wanted to be black

Kim Kardashian is once again the center of controversy on the net for overdoing it with Photoshop retouching.

Kim Kardashian has returned to mess it up on social networks. Yes, what a novelty. The TV star just introduced her beauty firm, KKW, and to promote it she has invaded the internet with her campaign images. But the response from her fans has not been as good as she would have liked. Do you know when you want to upload a photo to Instagram and put a filter to look more brunette? Well, Kim has crossed the line.

An image made entirely with Photoshop, touch-ups, peach skin and a tone that, according to her fans, does not belong to her. In conclusion, the message from her followers was the following: "Kim, don't want to be black, because you're not." Social networks have aroused a wave of criticism against the most famous of the Kardashians, who has not yet made any statements about it.

There are those who support the theory that she simply got out of hand with Photoshop. Others, that she is trying to mimic her husband, Kanye West. And the latter theory supports that she tries to appropriate black culture.

The truth is that it is not the first time that we have seen a controversy generated by racial or color causes. While the best known case is that of Michael Jackson, who underwent numerous operations and treatments to renounce his black skin color, there have been numerous accusations to other known faces of doing something similar. Beyoncé or Rihanna were criticized in their day for lightening his skin tone; something that they have never recognized or proven, but that many followers affirmed after seeing the progress of their appearance from their beginnings to the present.

While some are accused of racist attitudes by renouncing her color, Kim Kardashian is blamed for an appropriation of black culture. Either way, the star continues to promote her new beauty line, as if nothing was happening around her.

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