9 facts about Jennifer Aniston that make us love her even more
After the success of the Friends series in the 90s, Jennifer Aniston became a role model for many young girls, as well as a great source of hair inspiration for many years. However, we love this woman for reasons that go beyond her looks and notoriety. What do we like most about her? His personality, without a doubt.
At Bright Side, we're all crazy about Jennifer Aniston, and here are a few facts that perfectly illustrate why.
1. It makes children's lives more beautiful and easier
For over 10 years now, Jennifer Aniston has visited St. Jude's Hospital regularly to help children with cancer. She even stays in touch with the families she meets there. The kids love her and expect her visit, not because she's a celebrity, but because she's incredibly kind to them.
The actress said she started doing whatever she could for them because they are little heroes. She talks about them saying, "Look at these little miracles going through something no child should ever know."
2. She inspires through her talk about the power of people
In 2019, Jennifer Aniston gave an inspiring speech that touched many hearts. She confessed that she never saw herself as a powerful person. When she was 11, she was "excused" from a dinner party because she had "nothing of interest to add to the conversation." This situation left a deep mark on him.
Last year, the actress reflected on how the messages we send to young girls influence them, and she explained that “the things we say and do can either build them up or destroy them by making them feel that their voice may not be important enough. ”
She says every child deserves a place at the negotiating table. Girls need to know that they are noticed, loved and powerful. And the “real power” is our voice “that holds up and brings people together.”
3. It supports many non-profit organizations
In addition to her collaboration with St Jude Children's Hospital, Jennifer Aniston is a great philanthropist who continually seeks to improve the lives of others. She participated in the “Stand Up to Cancer” campaign, in which she, along with other celebrities, sought to raise awareness of the disease.
She has also donated approximately $ 1 million to several racial justice charities. The actress isn't afraid to talk about brutality and racism, and she says these destructive ideas must be tackled. We must recognize it and educate those around us.
His big heart has also raised more than $ 58 million for Haiti by actively participating in awareness raising related to the various disasters experienced by this country. And his list of good deeds doesn't end there.
4. She shows us how to be happy without ever giving up
It's amazing how gorgeous Jennifer Aniston is at 51. She explains that happiness is the main key, and that it is a choice. She follows her own philosophy of life, and she's not the type to worry or suffer: “It's my way, it's what I was given. I still want to say that I don't think my past gave me any reason to toughen up and create a shell of "never again, it's over, I'll stay closed forever." "
As to what she would say to the younger version of herself if she could turn back time, Jennifer Aniston replies, “Wait until you're 50. It's going to be awesome." She appreciates her age, and she's not sad that people get older. She just creates a caring atmosphere around her, and her smile and sense of humor literally make people fall for her.
5. She fights for the rights and freedom of women
Jennifer Aniston tries to explain to society that if you're not a mother, that doesn't mean you're not a woman: “I don't like [the pressure] people put on me or the other women who failed everything as women because they did not procreate. I find that to be unfair. They always take care of their pets, their friends, or the children of their friends. And there's nothing criminal about wearing a bikini at 80 if you want to. "
For Jennifer, one of the most important things women can do is support each other. She says we need more female screenwriters because we need more female stories. Their stories are also amazing.
6. She fights against criticism of the body
Jennifer Aniston likes to explain: “I'm a girl standing there with my hair and makeup on, with the help of a stylist, a photographer, a lighting crew, a wind machine. , accessories and computer ... and I ask you to think that I woke up like this this morning. ” She is like all other women: it is normal to gain weight and get older.
She can't stand body-shaming: “The expectations and examinations we impose on women are absurd and disturbing. The message that a girl isn't pretty just because she's not super thin is ridiculous, ”the actress shares. “This is speculation. Everyone has the right to gain weight without feeling guilty, and physical imperfections should not be the subject of so much discussion. "
7. She has this ability to always be there for others
Cultivating friendships is crucial for Jennifer Aniston. “Being there for you” is not just a phrase from the credits of Friends (I'll be there for you), for her it is a very real thing. According to the actress, if we support these beautiful women when they are young, they will support us when we are older.
Jennifer is proud to have managed to maintain friendships with people for 30 years: she still has many friends who accompany her through good and bad times.
8. She stays on good terms with her old relationships
Jennifer Aniston believes that when a relationship ends, it is important to be able to 'turn the page'. It works for both romantic relationships and friendships: “You should always have a sense of clarity at the end, and understand why it started, and why it ended. We need that in our lives to be able to move on to the next phase in a healthy way. ”
Not that long ago, she attended an online meeting with her ex-husband, Brad Pitt. She was smiling all the time, and we're glad they managed to stay on such good terms.
9. She remains humble
Although Jennifer Aniston has become one of Hollywood's highest paid actresses, she knows how to be humble, she doesn't like to show off too much, and she treats her fans very kindly. She doesn't feel overwhelmed by them, and most of the time she says she "really enjoys the exchange."
No wonder, then, that with such an attitude, she continues to serve as a role model for many young girls.
What is your favorite movie with Jennifer Aniston? Which of his ideas about happiness do you like the most? Leave a message in the comments, and if you liked this article, share it with those around you!