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Petition calls for Jeff Bezos not to return to Earth after his space trip

 Petition calls for Jeff Bezos not to return to Earth after his space trip

Petition calls for Jeff Bezos not to return to Earth after his space trip

What if Jeff Bezos never returns to Earth after his space trip? This is precisely what this petition, posted on the change.org site, soberly titled “Petition to prevent Jeff Bezos from returning to Earth” is hoping for. Of the 15,000 signatures requested, more than 12,000 have already been obtained.

“Jeff Bezos is actually Lex Luthor, disguised as the purported owner of a very successful online store. However, he is actually an evil lord determined to rule the world. We have known this for years. Jeff worked with the Epsteins and the Templars, as well as the Freemasons to take control of the whole world. He is also in cahoots with the Flat Earth deniers; it is the only way for them to allow it to leave the atmosphere. Meanwhile, our government is standing by and letting it go. ”

Did you not understand? Don't panic, that's probably not the point. However, some will argue that this is the perfect justification for a petition that asks for no less than the outright exclusion of Jeff Bezos from the face of the Earth. The billionaire is indeed one of the 4 people who will participate in the first tourist trip to space, which will take place on July 20. A great opportunity for all his detractors to oppose his return. However, no method is proposed in the petition.


Whether it's because of his monstrous fortune or the questionable practices he puts in place at Amazon, the businessman is not really the most popular personality on the planet. However, none of these arguments is advanced by Jose Ortiz, the author of the petition. On the contrary, he claims that “this may be our last chance before they activate the 5G chips and carry out a massive takeover”. If one cannot rule out the likelihood that this is a first degree statement, one can decently think it is a joke.

“Sign the petition. Share it with your friends and family. The fate of humanity is in your hands ”, the presentation text ends gravely. A plea that has all the same been able to convince more than 12,000 people at the time of this writing. The petition asks for 15,000, a target that should probably be reached before the Blue Origin shuttle takes off. From there to saying that the authorities will resign themselves to hearing the cries of the crowd, there is a great step that we will not venture to take.

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