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Prince Harry stripped of his military titles: he will not be able to bury his grandfather in Royal Marine

 Prince Harry stripped of his military titles: he will not be able to bury his grandfather in Royal Marine

Prince Harry stripped of his military titles: he will not be able to bury his grandfather in Royal Marine

On April 17, Prince Harry will not wear the uniform for the funeral of his grandfather, Prince Philip. Former Captain General of the Royal Marines, he was stripped of his military titles last March.

Prince Philip passed away on April 9, at the age of 99. And while his funeral is being prepared in Forgmore Gardens, in Windsor, next Saturday, we already know that Prince Harry will not be dressed there like his father, Prince Charles, and his brother, Prince William.

Harry is no longer Captain General of the Royal Marines

And for good reason, the husband of Meghan Markle, who left his functions within the royal family in March 2020, was stripped of his titles (including military), a year later. This is the decision recently made by Elizabeth II, the Queen, and her grandmother, believing that he could not work part time for the Crown, from the other side of the planet.

A decision that would have greatly upset Philip d'Edimboug, an attentive grandfather with his grandchildren, and a lifelong accomplice of Prince Harry. Indeed, in 2017, it was he who decided (with the agreement of the queen) to pass his title of Captain General of the Royal Marines to the handsome redhead. A press release had also explained at the time: "Prince Harry succeeds the Duke of Edinburgh after having accompanied him in his last duties as Captain General at Buckingham Palace".

Prior to that, the Duke of Edinburgh had served in the Marine Corps for 64 years. He had been appointed captain general to replace the queen's father, King George VI, on the latter's death in 1952.

He lost his military titles in 2021

Besides this responsibility, Harry also lost in 2021 that of Captain in the Army Air Corps, the light aviation of the army of his majesty, his grandmother, which he had since 2011.

This April 12, in a statement entirely rewritten for his grandpa, Prince Harry nevertheless signed his tribute with the motto of the Royal Marines, "Per Mare Per Terram". Quite a symbol for those who will remain a military man at heart, with or without a title ...

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