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Queen Elisabeth II: the color she refuses to wear for good reason

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 Queen Elisabeth II: the color she refuses to wear for good reason

Queen Elisabeth II: the color she refuses to wear for good reason

The Queen of England, known for her colorful suits, however, refuses to wear a particular color. The reason may surprise you ...

She wears a cyan blue suit when she visits a green park, puts on a fuchsia pink ensemble when the weather is bad or wears a chick yellow when she goes to the army ... A choice of color that leaves no room for Chance to the “queen of the total look.” However, there is one very specific color that the 93-year-old Queen of England absolutely never wears: it is beige! is what does not like Queen Elizabeth II… According to Robert Hardman, journalist and writer specializing in the royal family questioned on this subject in Express, the queen would not want to lose his visual identity: 

“Nobody would recognize me!”, him she would have confided. An argument which makes you smile at first glance but which would hide a real complex. What if we did not see the queen in a walkabout because of her small size?

Queen Elizabeth II has always cultivated the "British touch" from the tip of her unmistakable Gucci moccasins (by the way, fashionistas complain about so little fancy in her choice of shoes!) To the tops of her extravagant hats. Moreover, it would seem that the more the queen's age advanced in time, the more the size of her hats grew exponentially ... Feathers, flowers, lace and even brooches were added over the years. decades. 

Queen Elizabeth II also scored points in the fashion sphere in June 2016 during the Trooping the Color during which the queen arrived in a neon neon green suit, in other words, the ultra trendy “color block” on the catwalks. from all over the world in the same year! If the Queen of England is not wearing beige, it may just be so as not to overshadow ...

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