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"Traumatized", Britney Spears wants to end her guardianship

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 "Traumatized", Britney Spears wants to end her guardianship

"Traumatized", Britney Spears wants to end her guardianship

For the first time, this Wednesday, the American singer asked the justice system to lift this measure, which she has been the subject of for 13 years.

His speech, after thirteen years under the tutelage of his father, was eagerly awaited. This Wednesday, June 23, Britney Spears went to court for the first time, in a Los Angeles court. “Depressed” and “traumatized”, the 39-year-old singer asked to lift the guardianship she has been subject to since 2008. This guardianship, decreed as a result of psychological disorders, deprives her of a large part of her autonomy. "I just want to resume my life, it's been thirteen years and that's enough", launched the pop star who spoke, at his request, during a hearing conducted via the Internet.

Britney Spears spoke uninterruptedly for more than twenty minutes, at an extremely fast rate. The mother of two children has chained the arguments to ask the judge Brenda Penny to lift this judicial measure which does her according to her "more harm than good". "I really think that this supervision is abusive", she launched. "I told the world that I am happy and that I am well", but "I am traumatized", added the American artist. “I'm not happy, I can't sleep. I'm so angry, ”she insisted, ensuring“ cry every day ”.

The pop star is "afraid" of his father

Britney Spears was placed under guardianship after a high-profile descent into hell at the time. The conditions are very strict and stipulate that the decisions concerning the singer are taken in particular by her father, Jamie Spears, with whom she has long had a difficult relationship. These provisions have been hotly contested in recent years, and Britney Spears' attorney recently asked the court to replace James "Jamie" Spears with the professional guardian who is currently co-managing his case with his father.

His court-appointed lawyer, Samuel Ingham, had already said in court that the singer was "afraid of her father", but this is the first time that the young woman has made such virulent remarks in public. Although occasionally present on social networks to keep in touch with his fans, the star had so far refrained from discussing in public his guardianship or his difficult relationship with his father. She told the judge on Wednesday that she did not know she had the right to request the lifting of this measure. In a brief statement read in court, Jamie Spears said he was "sorry to see her in such pain" and said he loved his daughter "very much".

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