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6 reasons why Marilyn Monroe is overrated

6 reasons why Marilyn Monroe is overrated

Marilyn Monroe, the blonde girl from Hollywod, would turn 89 today. We review some reasons not to praise (so much) the Hollywood movie diva.

Norma Jeane Baker Mortenson, better known as Marilyn Monroe, would be celebrating her 89th birthday today. The Hollywood movie diva died on August 5, 1962, but she remains more than current through pop art and all kinds of artistic manifestation.

But while for some she is the eternal muse, for others she is an overrated figure. We give some reasons for this. (Read also Marilyn Monroe returns to promote Chanel No. 5)

6 reasons why Marilyn Monroe is overrated

1. "Good actress".

Many of her loyal followers assure that Marilyn Monroe was a natural and incredible actress and that she managed to work with the greats of cinema such as Billy Wilder or Fritz Lang. But any of the films of hers do not show great histrionic gifts. Perhaps in Diamonds are a girl's best Friends or How to marry a millionaire you can see talent for dancing and singing.

2. Professionalism, rather little.

The film My Week with Marilyn, which recounts the week in which Monroe was escorted by Collin Clark in Great Britain during the making of the film The Prince and the Showgirl, reveals Monroe's constant stage fright, the absence in the days of filming and even that he did not know his parliament. She won a Golden Globe for Some Like It Hot, a rather trivial movie in which she is also said to be unable to memorize her texts.

But yes, her beauty secrets are still valid. Do you know them? Here we leave you the most important

3. Blondes are dumb.

This stereotypical concept was "popularized" with the movie Gentlemen Prefer Blondes in which Marily Monroe plays a superficial gold digger. For many, she remained forever playing that role of a woman in distress that a gentleman needs to survive. In fact, the still prototype of a voluptuous woman - which she was - and fragile has great support in the figure of Marilyn. (Read also One of Marilyn Monroe's dresses will be auctioned)

6 reasons why Marilyn Monroe is overrated

4. Drugs and something else.

We know that Hollywood is a scathing and unforgiving industry. Many actresses of this era quickly "burn out" because they don't know how to handle fame and that is exactly what would have happened to Marilyn Monroe if she lived in our time. A woman with serious self-esteem problems is easy prey for the drug festival that is often seen in the mecca of cinema.

6 reasons why Marilyn Monroe is overrated

5. Pop art.

Beyond her incredible and undeniable sensuality, Marilyn Monroe was fortunate to be immortalized by artist Andy Warhol. Her pop art reached the masses and with it to handbags, dresses and accessories that have the face of Marilyn Monroe imprinted on them. What if it had been Katharine Hepburn's –which is not the same Audrey- or Ingrid Bergman's? Many of the people who have all sorts of gadgets with Marilyn's face actually only remember her because of the popular scene of her raised skirt.

6. Forever young.

The immortal image of her is undoubtedly a point in favor of this diva of divas. Old age is something that the world charges dearly and her early death immortalized her always young figure.

Although ... these revelations from her autopsy go as far as to say that she even died without teeth. Find out everything here

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