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Ariana Grande without makeup!

 Ariana Grande without makeup!

Ariana Grande without makeup!

Discover Ariana Grande without Make Up. The American star loves Make Up but the internet is full of before / after photos of the singer of "7 rings"!

Ariana Grande without makeup!

Indeed, the beautiful American rarely appears without makeup in front of the lens. Sometimes devoid of all the rhinestones and sequins of an increasingly overrated showbiz, the singer with ten million albums sold worldwide does not have to be ashamed of the quality of her skin.

Known for her devastating liner trait and exceptional peachy complexion, Ariana Grande is no aficionado of heavy makeup. Mainly focused on her complexion and her eyes, the beautiful Floridian born June 26, 1993 in Boca Raton maintains a relatively consistent style over the years. No hair revolution between the release of his albums, no outrageous make-up during photo shoots or overly extravagant outfits during his tours. The one who gained recognition in the sitcom Victorious after stepping on the boards of Brodway has found a style - her style - that works!

Ariana Grande without makeup!

But what does Ariana Grande really look like without makeup? The American singer retains a very beautiful skin texture but very rarely appears without makeup. The work of the MUAs (Make Up Artists) who follow her is thus very superficial as her face seems the same before and after their visit.

So for a moment, we forget about the long ponytail, foundation, liner and mascara to experience a more intimate Ariana Grande. What does it look like in its natural state and how did we find its archives?

Present: Ariana Grande without makeup

Today, a young woman, still beautiful and healthy, takes to the biggest stages in the world. Red carpets, stadiums, dedications, award ceremonies ... the artist's life has changed a lot. Stress, travel, the pressure of concerts, life at 100km / h.

So what does Ariana Grande look like without makeup today? Here is a selection of photos answering this question.

Ariana Grande without makeup!

Ariana Grande without makeup!

Ariana Grande without makeup!

Ariana Grande without makeup!

Ariana Grande without makeup!

Ariana Grande without makeup!

Ariana Grande without makeup!

These rare photos allow us to realize how much Ariana Grande takes care of her skin. Aside from a few stress pimples, the beautiful American retains a radiant healthy glow!

Ariana Grande au naturel in a Make Up tutorial

The video is from October 27, 2012. As Ariana Grande rose to prominence for her role in the series Victorious (which was soon to bow out), a video was posted on her official YouTube account. We are on the cusp of her birth in music and young Ariana appears naturally in this amateur tutorial. We discover a well-groomed face, stripped of all artifice and still retaining the curves of childhood. No acne, no irregularities, no deep scars ... it is a well-groomed skin that appears on the screen despite a questionable video quality preventing us from confirming this observation as closely as possible. At this point, she doesn't know it yet, but she is set to become one of the most recognized pop singers of her generation.

A childhood photo with pre-worked eyebrows

In this photo posted by Ariana Grande in August 2019, the singer goes back in time and highlights the child (like the others) that she was. No artifice, we can discover a charming chubby face and the beginnings of a naturally thin, healthy and beautiful face. Only the eyebrows seem to have already been plucked but they are devoid of the slightest stroke of a pencil.

The star's advice to have beautiful skin (without make-up)

So what should be done to have such beautiful skin without having to invest in 7 liters of foundation each year? We all know the benefits of scrubs, creams, natural remedies, and the benefits of a balanced diet. But Ariana Grande also has her own little beauty tips to give us to put Make Up in the drawer.

Ariana Grande without makeup!

Many times, she said repeatedly that she tries not to fall asleep with makeup on, that she does everything she can to keep her skin hydrated with creams and by drinking plenty of water. She has also repeatedly emphasized the benefits of exercise, the importance of overcoming stress. But above all, be happy and accept yourself as you are! This is the first step in eliminating the need for makeup and appearing naturally ... more radiant than ever!

And if you want a more precise routine for beautiful skin like Ariana Grande, find out how to have perfect skin for less than 50 dollars!

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