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What happened to britney spears

What happened to britney spears

What happened to britney spears

The singer wants to regain the reins of her life after 13 years under the tutelage of her father

The famous singer Britney Spears has broken her silence. Yesterday he pleaded with Judge Brenda Penny to let him free himself from her father's 13-year guardianship. She claimed to be "traumatized" by her family and demanded that her life be returned to her without being evaluated again.

It took the singer a little less than half an hour to give a chilling testimony in which she detailed all the abuse that she has suffered at the hands of her father, Jamie Spears. Thus, she has related that her tutors forced her to work every day without rest, under the threat of never seeing her children again or of being admitted to a psychiatric institution. «I had to do the 2018 tour for fear of my manager and my father. I started rehearsing, but it was very hard because I was tired. I would rehearse four days a week, direct the show, do the choreography, and still, they told me I wasn't giving enough and they forced me to take lithium in the morning. I did not want the medication, "she told the court. "It makes no sense for a person under legal guardianship to earn money," argued the artist.

"I would like to sue my family and share my story with the world," said the singer, who believes that her father and others involved in her should end up in prison.

No control over her life or her body

According to the star's testimony, her life has been a real hell. “He would send me to the hospital at Christmas when he knew that my children were going to spend the holidays with me. I locked myself in a small house in Beverly Hills with doctors who were dedicated to medicating me. I cried, but he loves to control me and he enjoyed watching me cry, "she said.

«They keep lying, giving interviews, making me feel stupid and I can't defend myself. They have lived off me for 13 years. They have forced me to do therapy three times a week, to train every day. I have been working since I was 17 years old and all of them live at my expense. They own my life. They won't let me have friends, they won't let me remove the IUD, they won't let me have another child or get married.

The judge had to repeatedly ask her to speak more slowly to take note of everything she related.

"I deserve to have the same rights as any other person," she concluded, asking that they please allow her to see her children or simply be able to receive calls. “Forcing someone to work against her will is similar to sex trafficking. He took my credit cards, my phone, my money, my passport ... and forced me to live with people who watched me at all hours. I had no privacy because he removed the doors and they watched me when I undressed.

The legal team of the artist's father, Jamie Spears, has refused to respond to the 39-year-old singer's testimony to, in her words, "preserve her privacy" and not make public "details of the state of her health.


The #FreeBritney movement gained momentum after the premiere of the documentary produced by The New York Times, 'Framing Britney', in which the roughest aspects of the singer's career were shown. Now, social networks have been filled with messages of support for the star and many colleagues have spoken.

Her ex-husband, Justin Timberlake, has positioned himself in her favor via Twitter. “After what we have heard, we are all with Britney. Despite our past, good or bad, I believe that no woman should be robbed of the decisions of her body. No one should be detained against her will or have to ask permission to have access to what you have worked so hard for. Jessica Biel (her wife) and I send her our love, our support and we hope that the court and her family will make the right decisions.

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