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What is Kim Kardashians personality type?

What is Kim Kardashians personality type?

What is Kim Kardashians personality type?

Kim Kardashian has undoubtedly experienced an evolution in her brand; what began through dubious means expanded into an empire and a legal career. So, what is the ever-changing socialite’s personality type? 

Kim Kardashian has not publicly stated her personality type, although many speculate that she could be a Myers-Briggs ESFP or ENFJ due to her outgoing nature and caring personality. 

Perhaps the best way to truly know the superstar’s personality is not through four letters but her actions. Although many underestimate Kim Kardashian due to her glamorous persona, she has also been incredibly involved in criminal justice advocacy and reform. 

Myers-Briggs Personality Types

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test is one of the most commonly known personality indicators. Although Kim Kardashian has never publicized her personal results from the test or has indeed taken the MBTI test, there is a lot one can learn. 

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test is a self-reported test, meaning that one can fill it out based on one’s own personal beliefs. However, many psychologists have criticized the MBTI test as pseudoscience. 

Adam Grant wrote for Psychology Today to critique the MBTI test, saying that “when it comes to accuracy, if you put a horoscope on one end and a heart monitor on the other, the MBTI falls about halfway in between.”

Grant continued to argue that since the test is self-reported, one can take the test twice, a few months apart, and get different results. 

Much like horoscopes, the MBTI personality indicators are designed so that anyone can read them and see facets of their personalities in each of the possible personality types. 

Research has shown that a possible three-quarters of all MBTI test-takers will receive a different result upon taking the test a second time, as Adam Grant cites in his Psychology Today article. 

Kim Kardashian’s Personality

So, Kim Kardashian doesn’t have a public MBTI personality type result — so what? The evidence suggests that simply looking at someone’s actions is a much better way to tell what a person’s personality is like than by examining their test results. 

Kim Kardashian has changed a lot throughout the years, and her personality must have changed with her. 

No longer a scandalous socialite, Kim Kardashian is now focused on her family, businesses, and legal career. As much is already known about her family life and her business ventures, her legal career is perhaps the aspect of her life that reveals the most untold truths about Kim Kardashian.

What is Kim Kardashians personality type?

Pictured above in an Instagram photo with her children, Kim Kardashian has been known for many things in the past, from dramatically losing an earring in the ocean to launching SKIMS, her shapewear brand. 

However, Kim Kardashian surprised everyone when she ventured into the world of criminal justice reform and activism. 

In 2020, her documentary, “Kim Kardashian West: The Justice Project,” launched. The documentary followed Kim Kardashian as she worked to help people who she believed to be sentenced unfairly, working alongside legal experts to attempt to free them. 

Kim Kardashian brushed off criticism that she was just doing this to help her brand’s image, saying, “I really genuinely just stay focused on the cases and the people. I’m not doing it for publicity. I really do care.”

It certainly appears that way, as most people would not dedicate themselves to a law student’s grueling study schedule just for their image.

She declared that she wanted to become a lawyer in 2019 and has stayed committed to her goal. Kim Kardashian is taking a somewhat unconventional path to become a lawyer, though. 

In California, one can write the bar without going through law school. Instead, an aspiring lawyer can apprentice with a practicing lawyer and be a “law reader,” which is what Kim Kardashian has done. 

Still, it is a huge commitment and demonstrates a key aspect of Kim Kardashian’s personality. However, she may seem ultra-glamorous and focused on her public persona; she has committed herself to a goal and uses her time to help others.

Kim Kardashian’s story almost sounds like a real-life Legally Blonde! 

In the end, we all have different aspects of our personalities. Although personality tests such as the MBTI test can be fascinating and fun, our true personalities are much more complex and cannot be summed up easily. 

Everyone has something different and unique to offer the world, more than they might let on.

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