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14 ways Meghan Markle changed Prince Harry

 14 ways Meghan Markle changed Prince Harry

14 ways Meghan Markle changed Prince Harry

Marriage changes everyone ... even members of the royal family! Some facts about the marriage of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.

Meghan and Harry

14 ways Meghan Markle changed Prince Harry

The thunderclap produced by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's interview with Oprah Winfrey shed light on their decision to leave the royal family, and on the terrible attacks they were subjected to by the press British, as well as members of their own families. You are sure to ignore these things about Meghan Markle.

But the changes were already underway, as Harry took a step back from the celebrations of his youth to fall in love and make a new beginning. Here's how her marriage to Meghan changed her life.

He renounced his royal status

14 ways Meghan Markle changed Prince Harry

There is no doubt that being a member of the royal family comes with its fair share of stress. On January 8, 2020, Meghan and Harry announced that they were officially withdrawing from the British monarchy. We read on their Instagram page: “After several months of reflection and discussion, we have decided to define a new role for ourselves within this institution. We want to step back as distinguished members of the Royal Family, and work towards becoming financially self-sufficient, while remaining totally dedicated to Her Majesty The Queen. ”

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have since moved to California where they want to raise their son, Archie, and their future daughter, as ordinary citizens, while continuing their efforts to serve the public and their charitable commitments.

The arrival of Meghan Markle in the life of Prince Harry is part of the royal family scandals that have shocked the world!

He became a follower of yoga

14 ways Meghan Markle changed Prince Harry

Meghan Markle swears by yoga. One of the things you might not know is that her mom is a full-time yoga teacher. And Meghan seems to have transmitted to Prince Harry her love of this discipline. “You never thought Harry could ever have such an interest in yoga, but he loves it,” a Vanity Fair source reports. We wonder which posture is the favorite of this former soldier: the Warrior I, II or III?

By accepting Prince Harry's marriage to Meghan Markle, Queen Elizabeth II had to break certain rules.

He gave up alcohol in solidarity with Meghan

14 ways Meghan Markle changed Prince Harry

Even before the days of the infamous Las Vegas strip billiards, Prince Harry had a reputation for being a party animal, which is no longer the case. He had already started to recover in the last few years, but it was his wife who seemed to have allowed him to demonstrate that he could flourish otherwise.

Meghan Markle quit drinking during her pregnancy (for obvious reasons), and her husband has pledged to do the same during the months of this first conception. "It's quite a feat, when you think of the alcoholic excesses of his teenage years," said the Express.

It became early morning

14 ways Meghan Markle changed Prince Harry

Meghan Markle is a real early riser, up at 5am every morning. Her husband would try to adjust her schedule to take more advantage of her presence. “Harry loved hanging out in bed, but he's now on his feet with Meghan very early on,” a Vanity Fair source reports. The presence of a young child and the imminent arrival of a little sister would make these early mornings a good rehearsal for their role as parents. And here are the royal rules Meghan Markle had to follow while pregnant with her first child.

His diet has changed

14 ways Meghan Markle changed Prince Harry

Meghan Markle has always expressed her interest in healthy eating, often posting about it on their ex-blog, The Tig. She is among those who point to the beneficial effects of a gluten-free diet on the skin and warm lemon water on digestion, according to a Delish blog interview from the time of her Suits series.

And her words about the benefits of healthy eating would have touched Prince Harry, who would start his days with green juice. “Meghan is undoubtedly behind her balanced diet, according to a Vanity Fair source. They both see a nutritionist and are interested in supplements. "

He exercises more

14 ways Meghan Markle changed Prince Harry

It's not just for yoga at the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Prince Harry would apparently be training at sunrise, and started wearing the Oura smart ring during the day to make sure he took the correct number of steps. He stopped drinking and partying. What will be the next step? Will he favor a return to his real name?

He quit smoking

14 ways Meghan Markle changed Prince Harry

Prince Harry started smoking as a teenager, and could toast a pack a day a few years ago. But that all changed with her engagement to Meghan Markle, a non-smoker who didn't want to be smothered around her (with good reason). “Harry promised never to smoke in the house again. It wasn’t easy for Meghan, ”a source told the Daily Mail. “He has since given up smoking by the window. He did it for Meghan. " Sometimes it just takes a compelling reason to make better, healthy choices!

it has become more reserved

14 ways Meghan Markle changed Prince Harry

At each birth, Princess Diana and Kate Middleton almost immediately presented their royal babies to the world, in the presence of their husband. We bring you shocking facts about Princess Diana that came to light after her death.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex broke tradition by dodging the official photoshoot. Instead, they waited a few days before introducing their little Archie to the rest of the world.

He distances himself from journalists

14 ways Meghan Markle changed Prince Harry

In the past, Prince Harry and Prince William have made sure to collaborate with the media on world tours, even offering them a drink or tea. So when Harry and Meghan decided to shy away from tradition on their tour of Australia, the royal reporters were not thrilled.

"We used to hang out in a pub and talk to each other a little bit about everything, we were helping each other," Arthur Edwards, photographer for The Sun, told The New York Times. “It was frank and open, and we didn't talk about it in our columns. Now that’s not even a hello. Nothing. No more respect for us. " But after what we have learned about Harry, and most importantly, the way Meghan was treated by the media, it is hardly surprising.

His entourage changes

14 ways Meghan Markle changed Prince Harry

Many people complain that they no longer see their friends when they get married, which is true of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. We all know that Harry used to surround himself with people who loved to party, but his priorities have changed since becoming a husband and father. The couple's departure to California would also be involved in the decrease in their exchanges with their former friends.

His speeches gain new momentum

14 ways Meghan Markle changed Prince Harry

In March 2019, Prince Harry delivered a speech at a WE Charity event that promotes social engagement among young people. While cynical British tabloids called him "hippie years blah," according to the Daily Star, the crowd would have appreciated his positive comments on de-stigmatizing mental health and fighting climate change. “I know you are not passively waiting for changes, and acting to stimulate them… I am with you, we are with you!” He said.

Meghan made a surprise appearance as Harry honored her with his favorite Martin Luther King Jr. quote: "Darkness can't chase darkness, only light can. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can. " His mother, Princess Diana, dedicated to humanitarian causes, would have been very proud of him.

Harry and William take different paths

14 ways Meghan Markle changed Prince Harry

Prince Harry has always been close to Prince William, but their relationship, as he admitted in his recent interview with Oprah Winfrey, "has become more distant." Harry added that while he "adored his brother," they were following "separate paths." However, Harry seemed convinced to regain this closeness over time. We almost all know what sibling rivalry is, but imagine when your brother is destined to be the next King of England! Speaking of heir, here's what will change when Prince Charles becomes King.

He settles down (or just becomes an adult!)

14 ways Meghan Markle changed Prince Harry

Since his marriage, Prince Harry's smile has gone from mischievous and childish to more serious and more adult, according to the body language decoded by Judi James. "His expressions show less of a grumpy aspect and more of a growing Harry," she told The Express. He played the role of little brother, son, grandson and party prince of royalty for 30 years, then met Meghan and transformed into husband, father and activist. "

Meghan saved him

14 ways Meghan Markle changed Prince Harry

One of the sweetest and saddest words in this interview with Oprah Winfrey is Harry's admission of how he felt he had been trapped in the royal family before meeting Meghan. "She saved me, that's for sure," he adds, adding that he didn't see a way out before, and wouldn't have believed he could distance himself from royal life without Meghan. . Harry also said he was touched by his brother, Prince William, and his father, Prince Charles, described as also trapped and unable to come out.

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