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Cosmetic surgery: Lady Diana, Marilyn Monroe, here are their faces retouched if they had succumbed to it

 Cosmetic surgery: Lady Diana, Marilyn Monroe, here are their faces retouched if they had succumbed to it

Cosmetic surgery: Lady Diana, Marilyn Monroe, here are their faces retouched if they had succumbed to it

They are iconic women who have always stood out for their natural beauty. But what would have been the result if Diana Spencer, Audrey Hepburn or Marylin Monroe had attempted cosmetic surgery in 2018?

Princess Diana, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn or Elizabeth Taylor… They all have one thing in common: their timeless beauty and their charisma have spanned the decades while inspiring us. A unanimous vision that makes them icons of beauty. But what would they have looked like if they had succumbed to cosmetic surgery in 2018? This is what the artist Mat Maitland wanted to reveal to us through a series of surprising photos. By bringing together two different eras, her approach aims to revive vintage snapshots of these iconic women, by retouching them according to the canons and diktats that "abound" on Instagram. Ultra luscious lips for Marilyn Monroe, a duck-faced smile for Diana or disappearance of Audrey Hepburn's nose - who made the heyday of the film "Funny face" - for the benefit of a rhinoplasty made by Photoshop… Those who are qualified the most beautiful women in the world, appear with unrecognizable faces, using and abusing surgical acts, far from the natural features that we know them.

Botoxed forehead, restructured jaws, silicone curves ... The artist tracks down dictates at a time when social networks impose many and asks questions about the canons of beauty, the democratization of cosmetic surgery, but also the mimicry of faces . Through these “perfect” faces in 2018, we especially realize that these icons were perfect in their imperfection! Do standards create clones? Lately, a fitness instructor retouched her body to denounce the standardization of perfection but also to demonstrate that the "ideal" body was extremely different over the centuries.


About Marilyn Monroe, it's no longer a secret ... The actress succumbed to the call of cosmetic surgery in the 1950s when she was 24 years old. Indeed, her medical record, which was auctioned off in 2013, reveals that she had her chin redone and had also undergone rhinoplasty while the practice was still in its infancy. Images that make you think ...

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