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Johnny Depp gets a win against Amber Heard that could be important in their court battle

 Johnny Depp gets a win against Amber Heard that could be important in their court battle

Johnny Depp gets a win against Amber Heard that could be important in their court battle

Despite the fact that the trial between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp will not take place until next year, the actor has just won a battle that could be decisive in the war against his ex-wife, and that could come in handy in the future . Before a bit of context: when Amber Heard decided to divorce the actor of 'Pirates of the Caribbean' in 2016, she also accused him of domestic violence. The two reached an agreement not to go to trial.

 Depp paid Amber Heard $ 7 million and she promised that she would donate all of that money to the American Civil Liberties Union and Children's Hospital Los Angeles. That decision played a major role in Johnny Depp's trial against the tabloid The Sun, which he lost, because the judge ruled that the donation of the money makes it clear that Amber Heard is not "a gold digger" as the actor claims.

But Depp remains convinced that his ex-wife not only has not donated the money, but that he does not plan to do so. The actress's legal team affirms that she has promised to donate the money in installments for the next ten years and that she would have already made part of the donation. He will now have to prove it because a New York judge has granted Johnny Depp the request that the ACLU show the documents that prove they have received the donation from the 'Aquaman' actress.

This triumph for the actor could be decisive in the judicial battle that will begin in April 2022. Much of Amber Heard's defense is based on this image that she does not want to get anything out of this beyond showing that the ex-husband of she mistreated her. As we have already seen, these donations can have an important weight in a verdict, as already happened in the United Kingdom trial against The Sun. But it must also be remembered that in that trial Amber Heard was only as a witness, not as a defendant, and that the judge also found evidence of abuse in twelve of the fourteen cases of domestic violence that the actress had presented.

See you in court

The trial in which Amber Heard will have to defend herself against the defamation charge brought by her ex-husband will begin on April 11, 2022 and will last about two weeks. The actor asks for 50 million dollars. She responded by suing him for $ 100 million. It will be one of the most mediatic trials in recent years.

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