Plastic surgery: Kim Kardashian collagen lips
Kim Kardashian is one of those celebrities who denies having had plastic surgery despite the fact that all the images of her past point to her having had several unnatural alterations in her face and body.
One of Kim Kardashian's new cosmetic touches has been collagen injections into her lips, something the paparazzi managed to capture when they photographed this celebrity with abnormally swollen lips.
However Kim continues to deny the obvious evidence of her and last week she testified regarding the image on the right that was published in various tabloids: she had the flu, was swollen and swollen and had no makeup on. Why would she only do it on my lower lip? It's definitely something she would never do. I think my lips are big enough for my taste. "
I don't know about you, but I've had the flu and my lips have never doubled, so I really can't believe Kim's words.
On the left, an image of the star with her lips intact, on the right a photograph of Kim Kardashian with collagen (or supposed collagen) taken last week.