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The controversial images of the excesses of Johnny Depp: whiskey and cocaine at noon

The controversial images of the excesses of Johnny Depp: whiskey and cocaine at noon

The controversial images of the excesses of Johnny Depp: whiskey and cocaine at noon

Amber Heard and Johnny Depp continue with the controversial legal proceedings that have covered the covers of newspapers and magazines throughout these years. Now the interpreter is also facing The Sun newspaper for describing him as a "violent husband." In this trial Heard has testified in favor of the British publication and, for this, he has used a series of photographs in which we can see the life of excesses the actor led, a life that produced many of the discussions that both had in their years of relationship.

The controversial images of the excesses of Johnny Depp: whiskey and cocaine at noon

Specifically, one of the images shows a table with a glass of whiskey, some lines of cocaine and some pills ready to be consumed at 1:30 p.m. The image was taken by the actress in 2013 in Los Angeles, after having argued about Depp's drug use.

The controversial images of the excesses of Johnny Depp: whiskey and cocaine at noon

The controversial images of the excesses of Johnny Depp: whiskey and cocaine at noon

The interpreter demands financial compensation from the tabloid for an article written in 2018 in which he is called a "violent husband." Despite these images, it should be noted that some former partners of Depp such as Vanessa Paradis and Winona Wyder offered their full support and testified on her behalf.

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