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The truth about Donald Trump's relationship with his son Barron

 The truth about Donald Trump's relationship with his son Barron

The truth about Donald Trump's relationship with his son Barron

Donald Trump has five children from three different wives. And while anyone who watches a day of cable news is familiar with Trump guys Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump, and Donald Trump Jr. (and anyone who reads Page Six knows all about Tiffany Trump), Trump's youngest son is still a bit of a mystery. Barron Trump, the young son of President Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump, sits mostly away from the presidential spotlight and little is known about his relationship with his father.

As the first boy to live in the White House since the 1960s, Barron Trump would presumably have more contact with his father than he did with Trump's adult children. But how often do they get quality time? And how do you see his son Donald who is over ten years younger than his youngest son? We did some research to find the real skinny on how Donald Trump relates to his son Barron.

Barron Trump could provide a sense of normalcy to the White House

The truth about Donald Trump's relationship with his son Barron

Donald Trump's youngest son, Barron Trump, is the first presidential son to live in the White House since John F. Kennedy, Jr. (the Obamas, the Bushes and the Clintons all had girls), as noted by CNN. But he wasn't packing his bags at Trump Tower right after Dad Donald Trump took office. According to Politico, Donald and Melania Trump did not want to withdraw Barron from school in the middle of the year. So instead of moving in right after the January 2017 grand opening, Barron and his mother waited until June to move in.

At the time, some experts believed that he would bring a level of normality to this exceptional White House. 'At a time when this particular presidency needs an air of stability, [the move] could lend it,' said Katherine Jellison, a University of Ohio history professor who specializes in first lady politics studies. 'The move helps to give the impression that ... [Donald Trump's] home life is under control.' It may also have been a move to save taxpayers' money. According to La Collina, it cost the New York Police Department between $ 127,000 and $ 146,000 a day to ensure safety for Barron and Melania.

Donald Trump defends the privacy of his son Barron Trump

The truth about Donald Trump's relationship with his son Barron

While the world of political commentary can be vicious, and it's almost always 'all right' when it comes to adults, many draw the line when comments are aimed at children. In 2017, Saturday Night Live writer Katie Rich tweeted that Barron Trump would be 'the first school shooter in this country,' as reported by Il Sole. Rich was suspended from the show, and she later tweeted her apology, saying, 'I sincerely apologize for the numb tweet. I deeply regret my actions and offensive words. It was unforgivable and I'm so sorry. '

But the White House, and presumably Donald Trump, didn't let it slip, releasing a statement saying (via Business Insider), 'It is a long-standing tradition that the children of presidents are offered the opportunity to grow beyond out of the political spotlight '. The statement continued, 'The White House fully expects this tradition to continue. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. The diplomatic and discreet response was backed by none other than former First Daughter Chelsea Clinton, who also urged people to leave Barron alone.

Donald Trump gave Barron his plan in Trump Tower

The truth about Donald Trump's relationship with his son Barron

In addition to his White House residence, Barron Trump has some pretty nice accommodation at Trump Tower in New York City as well. According to an interview with Parenthood (via The Hollywood Reporter), Barron has his plan in the Trump Tower Penthouse, which his mother affectionately called Barron's 'living room'. Part of the reason he got a whole level for himself? Perhaps his penchant for drawing on the walls. 'Since he has his own floor, he can [draw] ... on his living room and on his walls,' he said in the same Parenting interview. He also said they could paint on the walls if they were too messy (via Red Book).

However, Barron's life in the White House wasn't much of a decline. According to Inquisitr, he has his bedroom there, decked out to his exact specifications and fully stocked with all of his favorite snacks, food, and personal items. A White House staff of over 100 participates in all this. Clearly, Donald Trump provides for his son.

Donald Trump would not want Barron Trump to play this sport

The truth about Donald Trump's relationship with his son Barron

In a 2018 speech at Liberty University, Melania Trump described her son Barron Trump as a `` sports fan, '' as reported by Country Town, and while she didn't specify exactly what sport, if Father Donald Trump has anything to say to the Regardless, Barron won't be putting on his shoulder straps anytime soon. During a Feb.3, 2019 interview on Take on the Nation, Donald said he thought the football gear would get better, and although he loved the NFL and said it was a 'great product', he wasn't thrilled to let the his youngest played the game.

'I hate to say that because I love watching football,' the president said, adding: 'But I really think that as far as my son is concerned, well, I have heard NFL players say they would not allow their children to play football. 'He remarked,' I would have a hard time with it. '

That's not to say he doesn't want Barron to play sports. In a 2015 interview with People, he described his youngest son as 'a very natural athlete'.

Melania Trump calls Barron Trump the 'little Donald'

The truth about Donald Trump's relationship with his son Barron

While it's not exactly clear how much influence Donald Trump has on his son Barron Trump, apparently the little guy is very similar to his father, even at a young age. As early as 2013, Melania Trump referred to her son as 'Mini-Donald' in an interview with ABC News. 'When he was 5, he wanted to be like dad: a businessman and a golfer,' she said. in an interview with Parenthood (via Breaking). 'He loves to build something, demolish it and build something else.'

She also told Parenthood (via Red Book) that Barron was very opinionated and strong-willed in her beliefs about her, and that personality was the main reason she had nicknamed him 'little Donald'. Donald's former butler Anthony Senecal agreed, telling Inside Edition that Barron may be more like Donald than any of his other sons. Donald Trump Jr., apparently the original 'Mini Donald', was the mum of the nickname.

Donald Trump has had serious discussions with Barron Trump about COVID-19

The truth about Donald Trump's relationship with his son Barron

Immediately after Donald Trump and Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus in October 2020, Barron Trump was tested, along with his half-sister Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner. All tested negative and First Lady Chief of Staff Stephanie Grisham announced, as reported by People, 'Every precaution has been taken to ensure [Barron's] is kept safe and sound.' It was later revealed that Barron was, in fact, positive, but had no symptoms, according to an Associated Press report.

Presumably like most of his parents, Donald previously had a serious conversation with his youngest son about this serious issue at the start of the pandemic. During a press conference in March 2020, when the president was asked what he was telling his family about the virus, People reported it as an answer, 'he says,' How bad is it? 'It's bad, it's bad,' adding: 'But let's hope we're the best case, not the worst case, and that's what we're working for.'

Donald Trump hasn't changed any of Barron Trump's diapers

The truth about Donald Trump's relationship with his son Barron

In 2015, Melania Trump told Parenthood (via Break Up) that Donald Trump didn't change any diapers for their son, Barron Trump, and for her it was totally OK. 'It's not important to me. ... We know our roles, 'she said. This could sum up Donald Trump's feelings about childcare, which he made evident during a 2006 interview on Opie and Anthonyshow.

During the interview, as shared by News BuzzFeed, Donald was adamant that he had never changed a diaper and reiterated that the couple were happy with that deal as Melania didn't want her to. He went on to tell the hosts that he was much more of a hands-free father to Barron, wondering if he would have another child if his third wife wanted him to do more. 'If I had a different kind of wife, I probably wouldn't have a baby, you know, because that's not my gender,' said Donald Trump, 'I'm really, like, a great father, but some things you do and some things you don't. do. It's not just for me.

Donald Trump is very proud of his son Barron, according to body language experts

The truth about Donald Trump's relationship with his son Barron

Although Donald Trump may figuratively be a `` hands free '' father, the positions of his hands when with son Barron Trump in public reportedly demonstrate a great deal of fatherly pride. If you look back at photos of them together, when Barron was a child, Donald often posed with both hands on his son's shoulders.

'[Donald] tends to put him in front of him, squeezing both shoulders in a gesture of pride and support,' said body language expert Judi James Esprimere. In another interview with Express, James compared Donald Trump's body language to his son's to Mufasa in The Lion King, introducing the boy to the media as if he were holding a puppy on the vast savannah.

As the child grew up, his father allowed him his own body language, taking away what James called 'stabilizing' hands and allowing Barron 'independence from body language'. He is now regularly seen walking next to his parents, without any physical contact.

Donald Trump calls Barron several times a day

The truth about Donald Trump's relationship with his son Barron

Not that the president of the United States will go out for milk and come back three days later, but apparently Donald Trump is letting his kids know that he is safe and on his way home. During a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in February 2020, White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney said he noticed that the president called his son multiple times for check-in, letting him know when his helicopter would be. back home. 'The president is just a very caring father and you don't see him,' he said, as reported by US News.

Mulvaney's statement has been seen as unusual by some, as the White House tends to leave Barron Trump out of most communications out of respect for his privacy. The New York Times called the move 'curious', wondering why a presidential aide mentioned Barron when the White House went to great lengths to make sure the body of the press excluded him from the conversation.

Donald Trump sometimes mentions Barron Trump in a different light than his other sons

The truth about Donald Trump's relationship with his son Barron

Anyone with siblings and a father in his seventies knows that it is not always guaranteed that everyone's names are clear. This was the case during Donald Trump's post-impeachment-acquittal statement, when he mentioned his `` entire '' family and then seemed to have thrown Barron Trump as an afterthought.

'I want to apologize to my family for forcing them to go through a bad bogus deal from very evil and sick people. And Ivanka is here, my children and my whole family. And that includes Barron. She's up there, he's a kid, 'Donald said, as reported by the International Business Times.

Twitter's reactions were, predictably, similar to Twitter's. One user wrote, 'So kind of him to include Barron as a member of his entire family', asking, 'Why shouldn't he be automatically included?!?!' Then he ended up with an emoji on the palm of his face. Another Twitter user noted that Barron's mother Melania Trump was not mentioned at all.

Barron Trump plays golf with his father, Donald Trump

The truth about Donald Trump's relationship with his son Barron

Ah, the golf course. One of the best places for children who have nothing in common with their fathers to bond in a love-sharing by slapping a white ball. Golf is a welcome pastime for Donald Trump, and although he is often seen playing with athletes, celebrities and professional golfers, he also takes time to play golf with his children. And, according to Politico, that includes Barron Trump. 'I've seen Barron out there with him on a few occasions and he's a good athlete in his own right,' said a friend of the Trump family politic ian.

However, he may have a long way to go to catch up with his dad who plays golf all the time. As reported by Country Townswoman, Barron's half-brother Eric Trump said in a press conference at the US Women's Open in 2017 that his father was `` an incredible golfer '' and `` a great putter '' and has insisted that many available people, including a club professional, could attest to this fact.

Donald Trump referred to Barron Trump as 'Melania's son'

The truth about Donald Trump's relationship with his son Barron

Typically, when one parent refers to you as the other's child, you've done something seriously messed up. Like, 'Look, what your son did; the poor dog will need therapy now. ' Barring that logic aside, we can only assume that Barron Trump got a big deal up somewhere along the line, as, when the president talked about curbing teen vaping, he had an unusual choice of words when describing his teenager.

'That's how the first lady got involved,' said Donald Trump The Cut. 'She has a son, together, she is a beautiful young man, and she feels very, very strong about it.'

Maybe Barron was caught with an illicit Juul in his briefcase by the Secret Service. Or maybe some strange Maury Povich things are happening that America hasn't been informed of. Or maybe Donald Trump was speaking off the cuff, as he does from time to time. Whatever it is, when your father calls you your mother's son, it's usually not okay.

Barron Trump is probably taller than his father, Donald Trump

The truth about Donald Trump's relationship with his son Barron

They grow up so fast, don't they? This was the Today observation made in January 2020, when it was noted that, during a stroll across the White House lawn, Barron Trump, then 13, was a little taller than his father, Donald Trump. 'Barron will turn 14 in March, so he makes sense that he is reaching his peak of growth now,' noted today.

Although the president is officially listed as 6'3 ', according to the White House doctor's official report quoted by NBC News, Barron has appeared taller than him since the age of 12, when Country Townswoman pulled another photo of the lawn where it seems to have the edge. His official height is not a matter of public domain, as his parents protect his medical privacy, but, according to The Sun of the United States, some have speculated that he could be as tall as 6'6 '.

Donald Trump used Barron as an example of why children should go back to school

The truth about Donald Trump's relationship with his son Barron

'SCHOOLS MUST OPEN IN THE FALL,' 70-year-old President Donald Trump tweeted on July 6, 2020. Doing the math, that means Barron Trump had been home from school for nearly four months at that time. And any parent who was in the same situation was likely to be able to relate. Despite Donald's requests, however, the Barron School, the Episcopal School of St. Andrew, has only held online classes, starting in October 2020.

When Barron Trump contracted COVID-19 in the fall of 2020, Donald wasted no time in citing it as an example of why schools should fully reopen. At a rally in Des Moines, Iowa, as The Hill reportedly asked if his son knew he had the virus and noted that because he was young and his immune system was strong, he recovered from the virus in relatively short time. 'And Barron is beautiful,' Donald concluded, 'and he's free, free.'

Donald Trump reportedly got help getting Barron Trump to the best schools

The truth about Donald Trump's relationship with his son Barron

Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen isn't just a guy who pleaded guilty to tax fraud and illegally contributed to the campaign on behalf of a candidate. In addition to being a convicted criminal, he has also been a longtime `` fixer '' for the Trump family, using his contacts to do them a variety of favors. Those favors, according to Stephanie Winston Wolkoff's book Melania and Me: The Rise and Fall of My Friends with the First Lady, reportedly helped Barron Trump gain admission to top private schools.

According to an excerpt from the book in Politico, Cohen served on the board of the prestigious Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School in New York, and Melania reportedly used him to help get Barron in. The author went on to say that despite the school's predominantly Democratic parenting circle, the future first lady got a string of invitations to play once Donald Trump won the presidency. It is so good to see that people can put politics aside for the sake of their children. We think.

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