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Most Heartbreaking Celeb Moments CAUGHT

 Most Heartbreaking Celeb Moments CAUGHT

Most Heartbreaking Celeb Moments CAUGHT

These are the most heartbreaking celebrity moments caught on camera.

Being a celebrity definitely has its perks but celebrities also have the misfortune of being filmed and photographed during much of their day-to-day lives and that means that many of their breakdowns, meltdowns, scandals, fights, and embarrassing moments are captured and shown to the entire world. Can you imagine anything worse than millions of people looking at photos of you in tears? 

There are also times when celebrities are caught when they are most vulnerable or at their lowest points and it breaks our hearts. It's already bad enough to hit rock bottom but it's even worse if that moment is photographed. Obviously, we don't want these things to happen to our favorite celebrities. We all want them to succeed but sometimes they fall down. It may be self-inflicted or it may not, but we always hope that they will be able to pick themselves up again and live the life they want to live.

All of the heartbreaking moments from pop culture history are here and they will make you cry all over again. Some of these heartbreaking moments are more famous than others such as Britney Spears' 2007 breakdown--you'll never believe what is happening to Britney's green umbrella. There are other moments that you may have never seen before like the time when Lindsay Lohan was attacked by her fiancé in public or when Huma Abadin caught her perverted husband Anthony Weiner sending an inappropriate text to one of his many mistresses. These are the most heartbreaking celebrity moments caught on camera.

Jenny Slate And Chris Evans Break Up

Most Heartbreaking Celeb Moments CAUGHT

Jenny Slate and Chris Evans won our hearts when the two announced that they were dating in 2016 after starring in the film Gifted together. The relationship charmed everyone because Slate is an unassuming and charming comedian who we all aspire to be and Evans is the handsome hunk we all aspire to be with. Enough with those Hollywood heartthrobs dating super models! However, the relationship was not meant to be and the two called it off in early 2017. But the two reunited at the premiere of their movie in April and there seemed to be no hard feelings between them. Evans even said that Slate was his "favorite human." Cue the tears. Though the whole breakup was totally heartbreaking, Slate has proved that she doesn't need a man in her life to succeed and to be happy. In her most iconic tweet, she wrote, "As the image of myself becomes sharper in my brain&more precious, I feel less afraid that someone else will erase me by denying me love." Well said.

Lauren Conrad's Black Tear

Most Heartbreaking Celeb Moments CAUGHT

Lauren Conrad's single black tear is iconic and totally gif-able--but it also broke our hearts. This tear was shot in season 4 of The Hills while Conrad was having a heart-to-heart conversation with Audrina Patridge when the two were on bad terms. What caused the confrontation was that Conrad, Patridge, and Lo Bosworth were living together and it wasn't working out. Conrad and Patridge had a dramatic talk about the future of their friendship and Patridge contested that it was Bosworth who was causing the two to drift apart. LC, however, felt slighted by Patridge. The two fought about their issues but eventually made up after having a moving conversation which helped them to understand each other and move on as friends. Of all the times LC cried on The Hills, this is by far the most iconic and the most relatable.

Anthony Weiner Does It Again

Most Heartbreaking Celeb Moments CAUGHT

There are few people more vile than Anthony Weiner, a politician who was caught sending inappropriate photos to women, not just once but SEVERAL times. His wife, Huma Abedin has, for the most part, stood by his side throughout the embarrassing and disgusting scandals. Weiner ran for mayor of New York City and a documentary was made about his run in 2013 and, as you probably guessed, it is full of awkward encounters between Weiner and Abedin as she worked on his campaign. In this moment pictured above, Abedin is talking with her husband and she looks over at his phone while he's texting and is clearly disturbed and surprised by what she sees. Considering his past transgressions, it's obvious what he was doing. The fact that Abedin has stayed with Weiner is beyond upsetting. Huma needs to learn to start loving herself and get away from that disgusting pervert.

Billie Lourd Pays Tribute To Carrie Fisher

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Carrie Fisher and her mother Debbie Reynolds tragically died within the same week of each other in 2016 and our hearts broke for Billie Lourd who is Fisher's daughter. In April of 2017, Lourd made a surprise appearance at a Star Wars Celebration in Orlando, FL. She wore a custom dress from Tom Ford that paid homage to Princess Leia and gave a moving speech that brought everyone to tears. In her speech, the Scream Queens actress said, "My mom, like Leia, wasn't ever afraid to speak her mind and say things that might have made most people uncomfortable, but not me and not you. That was why she loved you, because you accepted and embraced all of her." Pass the tissues! Lourd appeared alongside her mother in Star Wars: The Force Awakens in a small cameo role with a similar hairstyle as Princess Leia's iconic buns. Like mother like daughter.

Britney Spears' 2007 Meltdown

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Britney Spears' breakdown in 2007 is an iconic moment in pop culture history. With her bald head and green umbrella, she attacked a car belonging to a photographer, Daniel Ramos, after she had issued a desperate plea for privacy. 2007 was a bad year for Britney and it was heartbreaking to see the beloved pop star go through such a horrible breakdown. She had already been going through a custody battle with Kevin Federline and things went from bad to worse when Spears attacked the paparazzo's SUV with an umbrella and hit him in the back. The same photographer was also attacked by Kanye West in 2013 after he had allegedly assaulted him at LAX. It seems that Ramos has a knack for getting on a celeb's bad side. Ten years later, the famous umbrella is up for sale and Ramos is donating half of the money to the charity of Spears' choice. Seriously, only half? Daniel Ramos is a real piece of work.

Ben Affleck Is A Cheating Dirtbag

Most Heartbreaking Celeb Moments CAUGHT

Our hearts broke when it was announced that Jennifer Garner and husband Ben Affleck were separating in 2015. Our hearts broke again (this time just for Garner) when it was revealed that the reason for the separation was that Affleck had been cheating on Garner with the nanny. There are few things more disgusting and cliche than cheating on your wife with the nanny and Garner deserved better. Affleck may have thought that, when he was cast as Batman, he could do whatever he wanted but now that Batman vs. Superman turned out to be a huge failure and his beautiful and talented wife is leaving him, maybe now he's finally put back in his place. The two have co-parented and lived together (Affleck stayed in the guest house) for two years but now they are officially getting a divorce. This photo breaks our heart because it is one of many photos of Garner in tears as her marriage falls apart. Justice for Jen!

Lindsay Lohan Is Assaulted By Fiance

Most Heartbreaking Celeb Moments CAUGHT

We all know the trouble that Lindsay Lohan has gotten into in the past several years. It was truly heartbreaking to see her go from the promising young actress in The Parent Trap to the talented star of Mean Girls and then, somewhere down the line, throw it all away after getting hooked on drugs and being stuck in bad relationships. Though she seems like she's doing a lot better these days, she owns her own club in Greece and she has gotten involved with charity work overseas. She also became engaged to Russian millionaire Egor Tarabasov which may have seemed great at first. In 2016, a video was leaked of Tarabasov violently dragging Lohan out of a car on the beach and assaulting her before they both got back in the car. She broke up with Tarabasov but it is both disturbing and heartbreaking to see any woman being assaulted and we all know that she deserves better. We're rooting for you, Lindsey!

Selena Gomez Gets Punched In The Face

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Selena Gomez seems to be in a great relationship right now with The Weeknd but her former relationship with Justin Bieber was not so ideal. Back before Bieber got all the tattoos and grew out his bangs, he and Gomez were the ultimate young power couple. However, there was definitely trouble in paradise. Gomez has since said that her relationship with Bieber was not a great experience and this particular situation that transpired on his 17th birthday was proof. The story goes that the two were running from the paparazzi when Gomez was punched in the face by either a fan or photographer. Bieber then made a break for it and drove like a maniac to outrun the paparazzi which only made the situation worse. He was pulled over for driving 100 mph and it ended up being a pretty horrible birthday. Poor Selena.

Emma Roberts Gave Evan Peters A Bloody Nose

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In 2013, Emma Roberts was arrested in Montreal after getting into a fight with on-and-off boyfriend Evan Peters at a hotel. Apparently Roberts was arrested because Evans had obvious physical injuries (a bloody nose and possibly a bite mark) but Evans refused to press charges against his girlfriend. When the two returned to New Orleans to film American Horror Story, Roberts was seen outside the studio building crying as Peters comforted her with a hug. It was heartbreaking to see Roberts cry (though she did deserve to be arrested for physical abuse) because the two have had a troubled relationship and everyone would be happy to see the two of them together and happy or just broken up for good. The two are still together but they still seem to be on-and-off again lovers. The two became engaged at the end of 2013, then announced that they had ended the engagement in 2015 and the two got back together in 2016. What a roller coaster!

Amber Heard Files For Divorce

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2016 was a rough year for Amber Heard after she and then-husband Johnny Depp got busted for bringing their dogs into Australia without the proper documentation and then things went from bad to worse. Heard filed for divorce from Depp and stated that he had been verbally and physically abusive and had assaulted her two days before she filed. Though photos of her images were published in magazines and a disturbing video of Depp threatening Heard was released to the public, the public STILL sided with Depp. Many claimed that Heard is a gold digger who made the story up to get Depp's money. She received $7 million and donated it all to charity so that accusation doesn't hold up. What is truly heartbreaking is seeing the pain in her eyes in the photos above, sobbing over the fact that she was attacked by someone who claimed to love her. Things are looking up for her now, however, as she is starring in The Justice League and dating Elon Musk.

Lady Gaga Cries At The Piano

Most Heartbreaking Celeb Moments CAUGHT

When Lady Gaga first appeared on the scene, she was known as the pop singer who wore bizarre outfits (remember that Kermit the Frog dress?) and also released some really catchy songs that are still bangers to this day (e.g. "Poker Face", "Just Dance", "Paparazzi"). Now she is known as the incredibly talented musician who is also the very talented actress who appeared in American Horror Story. In 2013, she gave an emotional performance of her song "Dope" at the Youtube Awards with tears streaming down her face. Seeing the "Grigio Girls" singer get so emotional during the performance may have broken our hearts but it also confirmed that she is a true and genuine performer unlike any other musicians and performers today. Lady Gaga does not lip-sync and she belts out those lyrics like no tomorrow. That's what we love about her.

Amanda Bynes Throws A Bong Out The Window

Most Heartbreaking Celeb Moments CAUGHT

Like Lindsay Lohan, Amanda Bynes was such a promising actress who made us laugh in The Amanda Show and movies like She's the Man and What a Girl Wants. However, things went downhill quickly as she got into car wrecks, hit-and-runs, a DUI, and then she started a fire in her parents' neighbor's driveway, she was placed on an involuntary psychiatric hold. The photo above was taken in 2013 when she appeared in court after being charged with reckless endangerment, tampering with evidence, and possession of an illegal substance after she had thrown a bong out her window. It was truly heartbreaking to see a woman who we once admired hit rock bottom. Fortunately for Bynes, there is always hope for recovery and it seems that she is on her way back to being healthy again. She is three years sober, she recently regained control her finances, and she announced that she was considering acting again.

Mischa Barton Was Drugged On Her Birthday

Most Heartbreaking Celeb Moments CAUGHT

In the mid 00's Mischa Barton had everything going for her, she was the beautiful star of The O.C. and she was the It Girl of her day. Unfortunately, her career stalled when she quit the show and she ended up being hospitalized when she mixed alcohol and prescription antibiotics, she was arrested for driving under the influence, she was admitted into a psych ward in 2009, her only acting gig was a starring role on the TV show The Beautiful Life which was cancelled after only two episodes aired. Then, earlier this year, Barton was hospitalized after hanging over her backyard fence rambling incoherently. She was wearing only a dress shirt at the time and she fell over saying, "Oh my God, it's over! I feel it, and it's angry!" She later claimed that this happened because her drink had been spiked with GHB while celebrating her birthday. Hopefully they catch the person who did this to her.

Amy Winehouse And Blake Fielder-Civil

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Amy Winehouse's relationship with Blake Fielder-Civil was, to put it nicely, messy. There were always rumors of domestic violence, verbal abuse, self-harm, and lots and lots of drugs. A British tabloid reported Fielder-Civil as saying that he was the one who introduced Winehouse to two hardcore drugs which slowly destroyed her life. Whether or not he said it, it's fair to say that it's probably true. After they were separated, Winehouse said that their entire marriage was based on drugs. That's what makes this photo so heartbreaking. The two would often get into fights in public and sometimes they made-up in public, which is what was probably happening when this photo was taken. Winehouse looks so distraught but also in love and, considering her fate, this photo is truly heartbreaking. Especially since she would probably still be here today if she had never met Blake Fielder-Civil.

Rihanna Cries During Oprah Interview

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Back in 2009, Rihanna was violently assaulted by then-boyfriend Chris Brown. After photos surfaced of the "Umbrella" singer's face beat up and bloodied after the attack, the public immediately sided with Rihanna and actively despised Brown for what he had done. However, Rihanna had not turned against him like everyone else had and the two dated off and on for the next few years. In 2012, Rihanna opened up to Oprah about her emotions and experience and she cried as she talked about how her life had changed and how she felt she had lost her "best friend." What was truly heartbreaking was that Rihanna said things like "he needed help" and "Everybody's going to say he's a monster without looking at the source." These are all things that victims of physical abuse often say of their abusers because of the manipulation and guilt that they face while being in the abusive relationship. Fortunately, Rihanna moved on from her vile ex-boyfriend and his career has never been able to recover. Good riddance.

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