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Unpublished nude photos of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Madonna found

 Unpublished nude photos of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Madonna found

Unpublished nude photos of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Madonna found

Jeremy Frommer, a wealthy man who runs mutual funds, found unpublished photos of Madonna and Arnold Schwarzenegger ... naked. The discovery was made while he was going through old Bob Guccione's belongings.

Frommer is the former CEO of the RBC and the new owner of property that once belonged to celebrities.

The photos in question were discovered when Frommer was browsing storage spaces where Penthouse founder and editor Bob Guccione kept his treasures, according to the New York Post.

Among the articles found are:

–Unreleased photos of Madonna, nude, and model Lauren Hutton.

-Mails between Dick Cheney, the "Unabomber" and a woman who said that she was Fidel Castro's lover.

-Pictures and other articles from Guccione's controversial pornographic film, "Caligula."

-Guccione's personal belongings, including information about posting nude photos of then-Miss America, Vanessa Williams.

–A photo of a young Arnold Schwarzenegger, apparently having sex.

-Attack campaigns against Hugh Hefner and his company, Playboy.

-63 oil paintings and other works made by Guccione.

-Photos of the Penthouse pets.

-Plans for what would be the Penthouse Broadwalk Hotel and Casino.

-Jewellery, a camera, diaries and diaries.

Frommer has been a partner with producer Rick Schwartz, who worked on movies like Black Swan and The Departed, The Huffington Post reviews.

For his part, Guccione was the editor of Penthouse for 38 years, from its inception in 1965. With a wealth valued at $ 400 million, he was on the Forbes list of the 400 richest people in the world in 1982. But his company he declared bankruptcy in 2003, leading him to resign. He died of cancer in 2010.

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