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According to science, these are the 10 most beautiful faces in the world

According to science, these are the 10 most beautiful faces in the world

According to science, these are the 10 most beautiful faces in the world

And you agree?

It is said that physical beauty is different depending on who looks at it. And, of course, this phrase makes sense especially if we focus on the different cultures and points of view that people have regarding what is beautiful and what is not. However, when it comes to science, there are no differences.

Recently, a plastic surgeon named Julian De Silva started a study that aimed to investigate the reason why a face is beautiful. To do this, he used the ancient Greek beauty pattern and mapped the faces of different celebrities.

“We have devised a new computerized mapping technique that can calculate how to make subtle improvements to facial shapes. With this technology we have solved some of the mysteries about what makes someone physically beautiful. "

-Julian De Silva, Director of the Center For Advanced Facial Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

The research considered different factors such as the lips, nose, eyes, eyebrows, chin, forehead, and the shape of the face of different women. However, the one who obtained the most “perfect features” was actress Amber Heard, who achieved 91.85% perfection and was considered “the most beautiful face in the world”.

According to science, these are the 10 most beautiful faces in the world

In second place she is followed by Kim Kardashian, with 91.39%

According to science, these are the 10 most beautiful faces in the world

Then there's Kate Moss, at 91.06%

According to science, these are the 10 most beautiful faces in the world

Later she is followed by Emily Ratajtowski with 90.8%

According to science, these are the 10 most beautiful faces in the world

In 5th place is Kendall Jenner with 90.18%

According to science, these are the 10 most beautiful faces in the world

After, the actress Helen Mirren with 89.93%

According to science, these are the 10 most beautiful faces in the world

Scarlett Johansson follows with 89.82%

According to science, these are the 10 most beautiful faces in the world

In 8th place is the singer Selena Gómez with 89.57%

According to science, these are the 10 most beautiful faces in the world

And then the adored Marilyn Monroe, with 89.41%

According to science, these are the 10 most beautiful faces in the world

Who closes the list is the incredible Jennifer Lawrence, who obtained 89.24%

According to science, these are the 10 most beautiful faces in the world

Likewise, if we think about the perfect face that obtained 100%, it would be formed in this way: the eyebrows would belong to those of Kim Kardashian. The lips would be like Emily Ratajtowski's. Scarlett Johansson's eyes. Kate Moss's forehead. Rihanna's face shape, and winner's chin and nose: Amber Heard.

According to science, these are the 10 most beautiful faces in the world

All according to the same digital mapping with the ancient Greek beauty, who also had her own winners based on different facial features. For example, Scarlett Johansson got the highest score with her look, reaching almost 96% and leaving Marilyn Monroe and Rihanna behind. Likewise, Amber Heard was left with the triumph in the most beautiful nose and chin, although she also came close to winning the brow trait.

Good for Amber.

According to science, these are the 10 most beautiful faces in the world

And you do you think? Which is your favorite?

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