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Paparazzi Photograph Caught Celebrity in Night Club

 Paparazzi Photograph Caught Celebrity in Night Club

Paparazzi Photograph Caught Celebrity in Night Club

Celebrity scandal - we can't get enough. Today's stars are always trying to deny their latest exploits, claiming that the media is spouting lies or that they will never be caught behaving in such a way. Yet over the years, we are now more aware than ever that celebs can screw up in the most epic ways we can ordinary people. The best times are when there's clear photographic evidence that the idols we're looking for have really embarrassed themselves. It was a strange guilty pleasure that was hard to let go of.

The best part is - our love of scandal isn't really our fault, it's just how our brains are wired. Daniel Kruger, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Michigan, tells the Atlantic, "(We enjoy) knowing what high-status individuals are doing, so you might be able to be more effective. Knowing what's going on with high-status individuals, you'll be more able to navigate the social scene." In short - we love to learn from their mistakes.

Whether it's something as harmless as drunken dancing or as extreme as getting into a violent fight, all of these celebrities have been found guilty of inappropriate behavior on a nightclub stage and we have photographic evidence to prove it. It's these late-night moments that these stars want us all to forget.

Jennifer Lawrence Loosens And Gets Wild

Paparazzi Photograph Caught Celebrity in Night Club

Jennifer Lawrence is well known as the type of girl who can let her hair down once in a while, but during a trip to the Beverly Hills Club in Austria, she really went wild. One nightclubber caught her on video crawling on the dance floor, grinding a pole in just her bra and pushing her boots in the air towards a friend. Obviously he drank too many cocktails because his friends were trying to push him into the corner of the club.

The steamy show didn't leave her red face as she wrote on Facebook, "Listen, no one wants to be reminded that they tried to dance on the pole[x] over the internet. It was one of my best friend's birthdays and I dropped my paranoia guard for a second to had a great time. I'm not going to apologize, I had a BLAST that night." Obviously, he was having a really good time.

Naomi Campbell Shows Less Than Model Behavior

Paparazzi Photograph Caught Celebrity in Night Club

Photos of Naomi Campbell leaving a nightclub in Capri, Italy, might make you believe she drank too much but according to the supermodel herself - she didn't touch a drop. Hmm, that's hard to believe because the shot above shows that he was supported by a friend who stopped him from falling to the ground.

What's really happening is they're playing a "trust game." Her agent said, "It was just a little fun and no drinking. Naomi plays this trust game, where you fall into a friend's arms. It's so hot in there, so that could have something to do with that." So is it heat or games? We are struggling to keep up with reason.

Lindsay Lohan Tells Fans To "Shut The *Beep* Up" At Club Opening

Paparazzi Photograph Caught Celebrity in Night Club

When Lindsay Lohan shows up at the opening night of her new nightclub HBIC in Athens, things don't go well - especially when she tells clubbers to "shut up." The gasps of the crowd confirmed that those who had paid big bucks for the evening's party were not in the mood for foul language.

The Star Mean Girl then continued her meltdown as she awkwardly told the crowd, "This is really important to me. No please, stop talking and listen for a second." When the crowd refused to listen to him any longer and cheered his speech, he snapped at them, "Shut your mouth. Guys! This is stupid." According to TMZ, Lohan then rushed to the VIP section of the club and hung out with the Greek businessman all night until she felt better.

 Kevin Hart Caught On Camera - And It's Not The Baby's Mama

Paparazzi Photograph Caught Celebrity in Night Club

Paparazzi Photograph Caught Celebrity in Night Club

Kevin Hart has long denied rumors that he has cheated on his wife, Eniko Parrish, who is expecting his child. According to her representatives, she was the victim of a failed blackmail attempt because someone had tried to sell an explicit video of her. The video shows Hart getting comfortable with a woman in a nightclub and then in the bedroom later. Tim Hart told People, "Someone tried to frame Kevin in a failed extortion attempt. As law enforcement is involved, we cannot comment further as that could affect the investigation."

In an emotional message posted on Instagram, Hart said, "I was at a place in my life where I felt like I had a target on my back and because of that I had to make a smart decision. And recently, I didn't. You know, I'm not perfect. I'm not going to sit here and say that I am or claim to be in any shape or form." He continued, "I made terrible mistakes in judgment and I put myself in a bad environment where only bad things can happen and they happen."

When Britney Spears Became All Of Us On New Year's Eve

Paparazzi Photograph Caught Celebrity in Night Club

The problem with being a struggling celebrity is that free alcohol is everywhere. When Britney Spears showed up at Pure Nightclub in Las Vegas to see in 2007. According to a report from TMZ, she drank so much champagne that she ended the night passed out on the floor.

Everyone is aware that 2007 was not a good year for Indonesia give me more singers; she famously suffered from a mental breakdown and shaved her head, attacked the paparazzi with an umbrella, lost custody of her two sons to her estranged husband Kevin Federline and entered rehab for emergency treatment. In an emotional letter on her website, she wrote, "Recently, I was sent to a very simple place called rehab. I really hit rock bottom. I realized how much energy and love I put into my past relationships. when the relationship went away because I really didn't know what to do with myself, and it made me so sad. I admit to being so lost." As the saying goes - if Britney can get through 2007, we can get through today.

Christina Ricci Passed Out In Her Friend's Arm

Paparazzi Photograph Caught Celebrity in Night Club

Let's take a step back to 2008, when actress Christina Ricci told Elle magazine that she couldn't stand watching drunken celebs fall from clubs in Hollywood. She said, "Why did you get drunk and fall in front of the photographer? I didn't really know. People used to warn me, saying, 'Be careful! You're an actress so there's temptation all around!'"

Lizzie Borden Chronicles actress added, "I like to drink but I couldn't handle it, so I quit. Lucky for me, there wasn't much media back then. Now, if you go out, you'll end up in the papers." He clearly didn't take his own advice when it came to this night at the nightclub and he had to be carried in his friend's arms. Maybe time to put into practice what you preach, Ricci?

Paris Hilton Doing Night Club By Security

Paparazzi Photograph Caught Celebrity in Night Club

Paris Hilton is the original 'famous for being famous.' The heirs enjoy a life of luxury which includes traveling around the world, entry to the world's most exclusive clubs and of course - unlimited booze. For Paris, who charges $300,000 an hour to DJ at a club, should consider switching to soft drinks, especially since she has served 23 days behind bars for an alcohol-related driving offence.

As this photo proves, he partyed until he couldn't walk anymore and for someone with $100 million in the bank and more to come in inheritance, we'd expect a little more class. This may be his attempt to escape the party early, as his advice is to always leave the club before 2am because "after that point, it's all losers and freaks." Well, that's one theory.

Kim Really Wants Beyonce To Be His Friend

Paparazzi Photograph Caught Celebrity in Night Club

Let's face it - Beyonce and Kim Kardashian will never be BFFs. Let's go back a year before when their significant others, Jay-Z and Kanye West, were still as close as brothers and they all enjoyed the evening together. This goosebumps moment is captured as all the partners laugh and act natural - but all Kim can do is look straight at Beyonce as if to say, "Please watch over me and be my friend. I beg of you."

Known for running her big mouth, Kanye said during the Power 105.1 interview that Beyonce and Kim are actually "in love". He revealed, "They love each other, they respect each other." Added, "When Beyonce was working on her album, she had a picture of Kim on the wall because Kim represents a strong woman." Hmm, for some reason we don't believe that's true.

Host Katie Price Getting Faded And Insulting Everyone At The Party

Paparazzi Photograph Caught Celebrity in Night Club

Katie Price embarrassed herself in a very spectacular way when she was spotted drunk at a party she was paid to host. The British glamor model is paid handsomely to hand out awards at the bash for a corporate executive but instead, she grabs the mic, starts a rant and then decides to take off her underwear in the shower.

One partygoer revealed to The Glass, "He made an absolutely disgusting and explicit proposition to my girlfriend both on stage in front of all her colleagues and then, knowing I was there. She was totally out of control and she totally embarrass me and cling to girls but who would treat another woman like that? That's disgusting." It is unknown if the company had paid Katie for her dodgy service.

Rihanna Can't Choose Between Drake & Leo

Paparazzi Photograph Caught Celebrity in Night Club

There are much worse issues to deal with, but Rihanna really is full when she can't decide between Drake or Leonardo Di Caprio. She was caught snuggling up to Drake at a club just days after she tried to hide behind giant sunglasses while dating Leo.

When these photos leaked, it was clear Drake was angry that Leo was still dating other girls alongside playing Rihanna. One source told Hollywood Life, "Rihanna is the type of woman who deserves one-on-one attention. That's a blatant sign of disrespect on Leo's part, and something Drake would never do in a million years. We can't vouch for what Drake does. like it or not. has been done, but we can say that he has proven himself to be a real gentleman over time.” The end result: nothing wins when she falls for Saudi Arabian businessman Hassan Jameel.

Lil' Wayne Loves to Party With... Scott Disick?!

Paparazzi Photograph Caught Celebrity in Night Club

We always thought rapper Lil' Wayne belonged to a cool club but then these photos surfaced showing him partying with Scott Disick and his social status taking a big dive. This boy's night, which also includes Kanye West and DJ Khaled, takes place at the exclusive LIV nightclub in Miami.

According to one group insider, Scott felt left out of the group so he had to win over his new friends by splashing some money. Confidenti@l reports, "There were a lot of rappers and athletes out there and Kanye was making fun of Scott being this 'little guy' around all of them. Scott felt completely victimized - in his own words - so to fit in and being cool, he's starting to spend like crazy." The total drink bill on the table came to $15,000 - an expense he'd probably have to explain to Kourtney later.

How Delevinge Drags Men to the Floor with her

Paparazzi Photograph Caught Celebrity in Night Club

Cara Delevingne has calmed down a lot lately and it makes us kind of nostalgic for the old party girl we fell in love with. When she attended the GQ Men of the Year Awards in a sheer floor-length dress, she saw every inch of the superstar's elegance and polish. Once inside the show, he clearly hit the bar too hard when he ended up dragging designer Jonathan Saunders to the floor, with his legs wrapped around him and pinning him above.

The British-born supermodel has struggled with booze in the past. Star magazine reports, "(Cara) sometimes drinks tequila as soon as she wakes up and uses the excuse that she missed a jet. Cara blames her crazy schedule for her love of alcohol - that's a real problem." Although she has cleaned up her acting and the new Cara looks healthier than before.

Orlando Bloom Cheated On Katy Perry With Selena Gomez

Paparazzi Photograph Caught Celebrity in Night Club

Orlando Bloom was caught off guard when these photos surfaced of him getting super comfortable with Selena Gomez at a nightclub surfaced. The CCTV footage they didn't want the world to see must have angered Katy Perry, who was in a serious relationship with the British actor at the time. Bloom and Gomez are also seen

In 2014, Bloom and Gomez were also spotted when they went to Canada together, when asked if this personal trip was more than that, Bloom told reporters, "No, we just attended WE Day." They were quick to dismiss the rumors as Bloom was dating model Miranda Kerr at the time and Gomez and Bieber are still a problem too. Lots of shady encounters between them - is it just a matter of time until Bloom and Gomez become official?

 Justin Bieber And Orlando Bloom Throw Boxes At Ibiza Club

Paparazzi Photograph Caught Celebrity in Night Club

Justin Bieber and Orlando Bloom have some serious beef going on and it's all on Selena Gomez. Bieber's ex-girlfriend became very close to Bloom after their breakup and tensions rose between them. So it's no surprise when they both find themselves in the same Hollywood club that it escalates into full-scale violence.

Eyewitness Anastasia Skolkova told The Glass, "I went there with friends for dinner. We were at a table next to Orlando Bloom and Leonardo DiCaprio. Justin said something as he walked in that was aimed at Orlando, who then jumped on the couch to look at him. try and get Justin." The former journalist added, "There were actually two moments when it turned violent, it wasn't just one punch thrown. DiCaprio flipped. Justin's face was amazing. I posted a video on Facebook so people knew about it and it was a really crazy video. "Well, boys will be boys.

Mel Gibson Turns "Uncle Weird" When He Faded

Paparazzi Photograph Caught Celebrity in Night Club

When comedian Ricky Gervais hosted the Golden Globes last year, he introduced Mel Gibson on stage after telling a joke, "I love drinks as much as the next guy. Except the next guy is Mel Gibson." The joke clearly angered Gibson whose drinking problem has been under scrutiny for years now. Even though he's sober now, throwback photos of him enjoying a night out at a club show that he's definitely an overly sociable drunk.

Now that Gibson has been on the road to recovery for a decade, he told Variety, "Ten years have passed (since his drunken arrest). I feel good. in the past. But others brought it up, which is like that. I find it annoying because I don't understand why after 10 years it is any problem."

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