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Justin Bieber breaks down when talking about his depression: "I don't even think I deserve to be alive"

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 Justin Bieber breaks down when talking about his depression: "I don't even think I deserve to be alive"

Justin Bieber breaks down when talking about his depression: "I don't even think I deserve to be alive"

The singer Justin Bieber is sorry for the bad acts of his past and often takes advantage of moments in public to show his repentance and be a better person.

During the preview of his next album "Changes", Justin Bieber moved the audience and his fans by remembering the hard times he went through years ago, when he suffered from severe depression. The Canadian was grateful to all the people who accompanied him on his road to recovery and took the opportunity to apologize for the bad attitudes of his past.

Before hundreds of people who gathered at the Village Recorders in Los Angeles, Justin Bieber was moved and could not contain the tears. "I don't even think I deserve to be alive or prosper", was one of the phrases that most impressed on his loyal followers, whom he also mentioned in his speech to thank them for his unconditional support.

The 25-year-old artist admitted that he felt insecure in seeking help as he did not know who to trust back then, he only remembered having "grown up in the industry and being hurt by the industry and the people who work in it."

Justin Bieber breaks down when talking about his depression: "I don't even think I deserve to be alive"

With a broken voice, the “Yummy” interpreter thanked God for not letting him fall and assured that "" There is power in weakness "explaining that his creative work is a reflection of that.

Justin Bieber breaks down when talking about his depression: "I don't even think I deserve to be alive"

Among the thanks of Justin Bieber were the names of his representative and executive producer Scooter Braunm who, according to Bieber, walked with him "through many things", he also mentioned Allison Daye, the composer Poo Bear, the photographer Alfredo Flores and of course his wife Hailey Baldwin.

Justin Bieber breaks down when talking about his depression: "I don't even think I deserve to be alive"

“I see a lot of people here creating lies and saying that they expect me to lose in everything I do. Well, I hope everyone wins, I hope that everything you want in this life happens to you. Regardless of how you feel about me, I send you love ”, added the also dancer.

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