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Now it's daddy's turn! Leonardo DiCaprio on an Italian outing with his father

 Now it's daddy's turn! Leonardo DiCaprio on an Italian outing with his father

Now it's daddy's turn! Leonardo DiCaprio on an Italian outing with his father

Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio was born on November 11, 1974, in Los Angeles, California, the only child of Irmelin (née Indenbirken), a legal secretary, and George DiCaprio, an underground comix writer, publisher, and distributor of comic books. His father is of Italian and German descent.

DiCaprio is a conversationalist in Italian. His maternal grandfather, Wilhelm Indenbirken, was German, and his maternal grandmother, Helene Indenbirken, was a Russian-born German citizen.

Proud of his Italian roots, Leonardo DiCaprio enjoyed a rainy father-son afternoon

Leonardo DiCaprio may be the actor of the moment in Hollywood after winning his long-awaited Oscar last February. But neither his fame nor his work have made him forget about his Italian roots, much less if he is accompanied by his father, George DiCaprio. Father and son enjoyed an entertaining and rainy afternoon in New York but with a lot of Italian flavor.

Now it's daddy's turn! Leonardo DiCaprio on an Italian outing with his father

Very smiling, despite the weather, that's how Leonardo and his father were captured while they were on their way to the party of the baseball player, Mike Piazza, at the Italian Hall of Fame in New York. The actor looked very casual in a navy blue blazer and brown beret, while the comic book writer, George, wore a gray jacket and showed off his long hair, a look that made him look younger at 72 years old. .

The protagonist of The Revenant is not only proud of his roots, but also of his parents. Just as he invites George to the VIP events he is required to attend, Leonardo DiCaprio proudly presents his mother on the red carpets. During the last BAFTA awards ceremony, the 41-year-old actor brought Irmelin Inderbirken as his companion. At the ceremony where DiCaprio accepted one of the Best Actor awards, he gave a moving speech for his mother, whose birthday coincided with the gala.

But the actor's heart could not only be occupied by the immense love he has for his parents. According to People, British model Roxy Horner, 24, appears to have stolen the Oscar winner's thoughts. "They were together on Sunday in a restaurant in the Big Apple. She was very close to Leo. She held him by the arm and between them there was an atmosphere of great affection," the magazine published.

The London girl is a perfect fit for the type of woman Leonardo is attracted to. Her list of conquests includes supermodels Naomi Campbell, Gisele Bundchen and Bar Refaeli. In addition, the actor was also immersed in rumors that claimed that between him and Rihanna there was more than just a friendship.

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