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The most inappropriate photo of Angelina Jolie

 The most inappropriate photo of Angelina Jolie

The most inappropriate photo of Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie naked and rickety: old photo about the truth of the actress

At 20, Jolie was going through a dark stage in her life. A photograph of her then shows a thinness close to what she is seen today.

In recent weeks, Angelina Jolie captured the attention of the press after seeing a photo in which she looked noticeably emaciated and thinner than usual. The National Enquirer published a note in which it ensures that the actress is weighing only 37 kilos (a weight too low for her 1.70 m height), so that she would suffer from anorexia and "would be dying."

The most inappropriate photo of Angelina Jolie

 The debate has opened and it is not possible to know if the photo is completely real or is exaggerated to enlarge the news, given the tabloid profile of The National Enquirer. If true, it's hard not to think that something is wrong with the actress's health. But amid the comments about her thinness, a photo of Jolie from 1995 was released, when she was in her early 20s and she was making her way into Hollywood. The image is part of a series taken by photographer Kate Garner and will soon be auctioned in London for $ 2,700.

The most inappropriate photo of Angelina Jolie

Although today, at 40 hers, she is settled as a mother, actress and film director, dedicated to humanitarian causes, Angelina's first years in show business were somewhat more scandalous. She lived through a torturous childhood and adolescence, with substance abuse in her youth and a terrible relationship with her father. The photo up for auction is from the years when Jolie admits to using drugs, a time she described as "dark and dangerous", from which she was lucky to survive. Although the photo is artistic, you can see how thin she was at that time and a very different face from the one she is known for.

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