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Uncomfortable photos of celebrities with fans

 Uncomfortable photos of celebrities with fans

Uncomfortable photos of celebrities with fans

Celebrities are the stars of this world that can see even the strongest of us turn into drooling messes when we meet them in the flesh. That’s them, going about their business and doing celebrity things that we never usually get to see – even if it’s just shopping for groceries or grabbing a smoothie.

Still, they’ve written some of the best songs in the world or appeared on the big screen which means they automatically become legends, right? While we might have a million and one questions for our idols, it seems as though many of us lose all self-control when we finally have our chance to meet them. That’s how we end up with some of the most awkward photos of regular people with celebs. The fans might be having the time of their life, but the same can’t always be said for these stars.

Rude boy

Uncomfortable photos of celebrities with fans

There’s getting a candid shot of your favorite celebrity, and then there’s whipping your cell out faster than anyone ever imagined mid-conversation and taking a snap that not even a ninja would have seen coming. It seems as though this man was looking to break some selfie-taking records when he bumped into none other than Rihanna

The singer looks as though she is trying to enjoy a fresh juice. This man could have asked for a picture or been a little more discreet about his stealth snap, but instead, he chose to capture this awkward photo. We bet a terrified-looking Rihanna was just the addition this fan wanted for the photo album.

Hanks for noticing

Uncomfortable photos of celebrities with fans

Tom Hanks is an actor that many of us have fallen in love with over the years. He has been in a huge variety of movies, including the rom-com Sleepless in Seattle, the survival film Cast Away, the fantasy crime drama The Green Mile, and the comedy-drama Forrest Gump to name just a few. Perhaps that’s why so many of us recognize him when he’s out and about?

That’s when we’re not wondering whether it could really be Hanks or Bill Murray. Sadly, even our favorite stars like to go about their average lives every now and then – especially when heading to the store. It seems as though Tom would rather be anywhere than standing in front of electrical supplies with two strangers – especially when one appears to have had days that were more fun in their life.

I wanna go

Uncomfortable photos of celebrities with fans

There is something about a Britney Spears song that seems to get many of us bopping along. Perhaps it’s the catchy lyrics? Maybe it’s the incredible dance routines that often accompany her tunes? Whatever the case, there is a good reason this singing legend has become known as the Princess of Pop throughout her career. Britney has played for millions of people, and many can’t wait to get the chance to get close to the star.

Sadly, it seems as though someone forgot to wear deodorant at this meet and greet. Although this man might have wanted to ensure he wasn’t coming on too strong to the singer, he has just created an awkward fan photo instead. The overly large gap teamed with a body lean is never a good look, and certainly does nothing to hide the uncomfortable situation happening before our eyes.

Keeping the distance

Uncomfortable photos of celebrities with fans

We’re not sure if we’re looking at Avril Lavigne or her clone, Melissa, but it appears that one of them was ready for a meet and greet. These can be perfect for any fans waiting to get up close and personal with their favorite stars. As well as getting answers to all those burning questions we’ve had for so long, fans can often find themselves posing for a snap or two with the stars.

So what about when there’s a rule you need to keep all arms and hands to yourself as well as sand no less than two feet away from your favorite singer? Those hundreds of dollars spent on a ticket for the privilege suddenly don’t seem so worth it after all. Although this man got the chance to meet Avril in the flesh, he looks a little less than impressed with their photoshoot,.

Blink and you miss it

Uncomfortable photos of celebrities with fans

It appears as though Nic Cage needs to spend less time worrying about getting the bunny back in the box and more time thinking about how to pose for photos with fans. This woman must have thanked her lucky stars the day she got seated next to one of the biggest names in Hollywood on this flight.

While she might have wanted a photo to show all her friends about her incredible flight partner, it seems as though she only needed to make sure that she was looking good in the evidence. That, or she wanted to grab her souvenir before security removed the crazed fan snapping pictures the entire way through the journey. It might not be one that many of us would add to the photo album, but this Nic fan sure seems happy with her awkward encounter with a legend.

Keep kalm and karry on

Uncomfortable photos of celebrities with fans

The Kardashians are pretty used to a life in front of the cameras. Kim is no exception. She might be busy signing autographs, but it seems as though this reality star and businesswoman always knows where the cameras are.

While that might be a skill that’s enough to make many of us jealous, it seems as though Kim is less than impressed at the sporadic snap. Perhaps this fan was too shy to ask for a photo with her icon? We’re not sure the result is any less awkward.

Leaving an impression

Uncomfortable photos of celebrities with fans

While one Kardashian’s fan wants to keep her distance, it appears as though another can’t wait to get up close and personal. Kourtney looks just as surprised at the invasion of personal space as the man hoping to get a snap with the star.

Thankfully, this family have all learned how to keep their cool in any situation, and it looks as though Kourtney was ready to brush it under the rug – even if she probably did burn her jacket after this encounter.

When two become one

Uncomfortable photos of celebrities with fans Uncomfortable photos of celebrities with fans

Star Trek is the sci-fi show that has grabbed many of us over the years, and Patrick Stewart was just one of the many leading cast members in the series. Amazingly, he is still a major name in acting all these years later. Many fans have come to meet their favorite actor, and this was just one of the many.

However, he seems to have missed the memo that you don’t need to absorb Patrick in the meet and greet photos. It looks as though there could be no distance for this superfan to make his feelings known.

Strike a pose

Uncomfortable photos of celebrities with fans

Lady Gaga has grown to become a pop phenomenon all around the world. To top it off, she has even broken into the world of acting and now seems determined to dominate Hollywood in any way that she can.

Sadly, it looks as though this legend was less than impressed to roar along with her fans. While Gaga appears to be ready to head home for the night, these little monsters couldn’t wait to grab a snap. At least they didn’t get engulfed by the fur jacket, right?

Would you like some candy?

Uncomfortable photos of celebrities with fans

Of course, if there is one thing that Lady Gaga has become famous for over the years, it’s her striking outfits. Those towering heels teamed with lavish looks and outrageous accessories have become a staple part of her look.

While many of us could only ever dream of pulling off such an outfit, Lady Gaga is used to walking the streets in all kinds of looks. That is until she looks more like the child snatcher than the friendly pop singer at this fan meet and greet.

The dreaded pit stains

Uncomfortable photos of celebrities with fans

Sometimes, meeting our favorite celebrities can all be a bit much to handle. What do we say? Will they get annoyed if we ask for a photo? What about if we embarrass ourselves and are forever cemented in their memory as *that* fan?

So many things could go wrong thankfully, most of the stars are willing to pose for a photo or two. Morgan Freeman must be used to appearing in pictures, and it seems as though this man was so nervous to meet his idol that he couldn’t do anything to hide his emotions.

Trying to blend in

Uncomfortable photos of celebrities with fans

Oh, Kanye. The rapper has one of the most recognized faces on the planet and has become famous for his somewhat questionable actions over the years. Do we need a reminder of the Taylor Swift incident at the 2009 MTV Video Awards?

Yup, he really is a bad boy of music. While Kanye might have thought he could slip under the radar thanks to his camouflage t-shirt, these fans were still able to spot him across the room. Cue one snap with a living statue later.

Up close and personal

Uncomfortable photos of celebrities with fans

Although we might think that we will never see our favorite stars, sometimes we can be in the right place at the right time as we see them going about their day to day lives.

Sadly, Kanye looks as though he was busy on a phone call when this man spotted him across the room. Sure, he could have waited to ask for a snap, but the fan apparently didn’t want to miss his chance for a selfie. He might need a bit more practice next time if he wants a career celebrity spotting.

More than a peck

Uncomfortable photos of celebrities with fans

Some stars are known for their rebellious personalities and having a way with women. Russell Brand certainly seems as though he has built a reputation for himself over the years. Although the comedian and actor now appears to be a settled family man, that doesn’t mean that he hasn’t misread a signal or two over the years.

This woman looks as though she wanted to have a quick kiss on the cheek. However, Russell apparently thought it was an opportunity to plant on on his fan. Oops.

Snatching a selfie

Uncomfortable photos of celebrities with fans

Have you ever wondered why we don’t see many selfies with the Royal Family? That’s because most of them apparently don’t like to pose for the snaps with fans.

Sure, they might be the modern-day equivalent of getting an autograph, but this royal bunch have admitted that they would much rather see people’s faces and make eye contact than pose for a photograph. That didn’t stop this youngster for giving it a go, even if security in the background look ready to put him back in the crowd.

Keeping her distance

Uncomfortable photos of celebrities with fans

Many of us tend to forget that pop stars are people too. Sure, they might spend their days as our idols on stage, but does that mean we got to treat them any way we want?

Probably not. Katy Perry is one of the biggest selling names in the industry and has often gone above and beyond to make all of her fans’ dreams come true – even if that does mean posing for hours at a meet and greet. Celebrities often get asked to pose in unusual ways, but Katy seemed determined to keep this guy at arm’s length.

Hear me roar

Uncomfortable photos of celebrities with fans

The Katycats are an incredible bunch of fans who appear to do just about anything to keep their beloved singer safe. This woman seems to have gone all out with her outfit as she tries to impress her idol. That was until she apparently saw something she didn’t like.

There was no hiding her look of disgust as the fan came face to face with Katy, who seemed just as surprised at the reaction. Now, this fan is left with a lasting memory of the sass they shared on the day.

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