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Controversy over the election of Elon Musk as "Person of the Year" in the magazine 'Time'

Controversy over the election of Elon Musk as "Person of the Year" in the magazine 'Time'

Controversy over the election of Elon Musk as "Person of the Year" in the magazine 'Time'

The prestigious Time magazine has selected the most important people of the year 1927. It is a tradition that highlights a personality who, for better or for worse, has had a great influence on the events of the year. Thus, the American publication has chosen Elon Musk as Person of the Year for the 2021 edition.

Time justifies this decision to the richest man in the world by pushing the limits of electric cars and commercial space exploration. That is, because of his progress at Tesla and SpaceX, respectively.

Edward Felsenthal, editor-in-chief of the publication, has indicated on Twitter that Musk has been chosen "for creating solutions to an existential crisis" and "driving the most daring and disruptive transformations in society."

The magazine highlights Musk's vision to invest little but take great risk and always go for absolutely impossible ideas. The businessman, of course, has made them a reality to achieve a fortune of 279,000 million dollars according to Bloomberg. "I think Putin has more money," Musk drops Time, whom he acknowledges that he cannot invade any country, at least for now.

Controversy over the election of Elon Musk as "Person of the Year" in the magazine 'Time'

In this way, Musk picks up the witness of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, president and vice president of the United States, who were chosen last year and the popular climate activist Greta Thunberg, who starred on the cover of 2019.

Criticism is chosen whoever is chosen

Naming someone Person of the Year is always a tough decision. Why this and not the other? Time is used to having to deal with controversy, criticism and reproach every time it chooses the personality of the year.

This time it was no different. Social media has been outraged by Musk's choice. They understand that the billionaire is not an example of anything and has always been surrounded by controversy and eccentricities.

Recognized as 'Heroes of the Year 2021'

Some users consider that Musk has not been sufficiently supportive considering that he is the richest man in the world. Many others consider that the group of health workers or teachers deserved the cover much more, taking into account the formidable work and dedication of him during this year of pandemic. Also during the past, where they were not recognized by the magazine either.

However, Time has recognized the work of the scientists who have worked on the coronavirus vaccine by naming them Heroes of the Year 2021. This appointment is personified in Kizzmekia Corbett, Barney Graham, Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman, four of the scientists who have played an important role in the fight against this highly contagious disease.

This distinction, perhaps, falls short. Time did decide to designate Person of the Year in 2014 to professionals - from doctors to scientists to volunteers - who fought against Ebola, a disease that did not have the global impact that the coronavirus has.

On the other hand, the publication also praised the group of journalists in 2018 for their role as "guardians of the truth" despite being persecuted, threatened and even executed for carrying out their work.

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