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Emma Watson reveals that she also suffered sexual harassment: "My experiences are not an isolated case"

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 Emma Watson reveals that she also suffered sexual harassment: "My experiences are not an isolated case"

Emma Watson reveals that she also suffered sexual harassment: "My experiences are not an isolated case"

Actress Emma Watson joins the allegations of sexual harassment in Hollywood. The British, a well-known activist, believes that it is "wonderful" that so many women are taking a step forward to denounce this situation, which she has also suffered.

British actress Emma Watson joins the multiple allegations of sexual harassment within the film sector that have emerged after the Harvey Weinstein scandal and that were reflected in the 'Me Too' movement.

The popular Hermione from the Harry Potter movies is a renowned activist and defender of women's rights, and now she has decided to give her opinion and applaud the courage of all the women who are reporting harassment situations.

Emma Watson reveals that she also suffered sexual harassment: "My experiences are not an isolated case"

"It seems wonderful to me what is happening because I have also experienced all types of bullying. But I think that for me, the most overwhelming thing is knowing that my experiences are not an isolated case, nor are the experiences of my friends, or those of my friends. co-workers. It is a systematic and structural problem, "the actress explains in an interview with Variety.

Furthermore, she states that "UK statistics show that a large number of women between the ages of 18 and 24 have experienced some form of sexual harassment at work."

"When you talk to enough women, you realize what they have suffered, and that most have a story to tell about it. Now we are uncovering this situation, and we have only begun to scratch the surface," says Emma Watson.

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