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Stars Before They Were Stars: 10 Baby VIP Photos Never Seen Before

 Stars Before They Were Stars: 10 Baby VIP Photos Never Seen Before

Stars Before They Were Stars: 10 Baby VIP Photos Never Seen Before

Here is a little entertainment post! Raise your hand if you have never gone looking for photos of your favorite star ... before she became a star! Or better yet: tell me if I'm the only one who when you see an article that promises real shocks in terms of being young ... always opens it !!

So I decided to make a small list of the most shocking and least known photos (there are others, in fact, but they are arch-views) that I found on the web, so as to share some jaw drops with you! Are you ready to discover what today's stars were like ... the day before yesterday? Then read on!

Stars Before They Were Stars: 10 Baby VIP Photos Never Seen Before


I left it on the cover, the unmistakable Dr. Strangelove. Of course it is not very difficult to recognize him, and already in his youth his hair was his strong point ... but, let's face it: that little bit of beard and a little more lived-in air increase - not a little! - His sex appeal. In a word: not bad, but much better now, isn't it? If you miss him already in the episodes of Gray's Anatomy, know that he is about to return to the big screen as Bridget Jones's new flame!


Queen Bey has the same (identical!) Face as she did when she was a young girl: her fame and artistic career have only matured her style, but as far as features are concerned ... I must say that I am quite impressed!

Stars Before They Were Stars: 10 Baby VIP Photos Never Seen Before

Do you have the same impression as me, or does it seem incredible to you that this pretty girl, but with a "normal" air, is really the ex-Destiny's Child?


I also wanted to add some photos of the stars of the past (at the end of the post you will also see an incredible Audrey Hepburn!): BB has come a long way since she was a schoolgirl (brunette) with braids and glasses, right? Yet the smile is always the same and - under that "nerd" look - the features already promised very well!

Stars Before They Were Stars: 10 Baby VIP Photos Never Seen Before


Looks amazing from BuzzFeed swears this chubby babe with bangs in the air is just a little Cameron Diaz. If that were true, would you say that her past served as inspiration for the hugely popular All Crazy About Mary scene?

Stars Before They Were Stars: 10 Baby VIP Photos Never Seen Before


Adorable, little Julia Roberts: blonde, with one less tooth, pigtails and an alert and funny look - she did not boast, of course, the sensuality that made her so famous, but the idea of ​​her sunny character is there. was already. And then Julia's luck brought about that smile that already lit up her eyes as a child, didn't it?

Stars Before They Were Stars: 10 Baby VIP Photos Never Seen Before


It's not the least known photo in the post, I know, but it's one of the most incredible and I didn't feel like not including it! If you missed it, here's Tom Cruise before Top Gun!

Stars Before They Were Stars: 10 Baby VIP Photos Never Seen Before

Crooked teeth and unlucky air: looking at young Tom, one would not have thought that he would have become a sex symbol and husband of two of the most envied women in Hollywood! If you need some motivation to make an appointment with the dentist ... here it is!


Another incredible comparison is that of George Clooney: before wearing the ER shirt, in fact, he showed off a series of absurd looks, in his youth! As a kid, with bangs, glasses and ginger hair, it's really phenomenal, isn't it?

But if we go to dig up the photos of when he was just a child: he is so similar to now that he hardly has a childish air ... They look like the photos you take with Snapchat in which you can mount someone's face on someone's head other, you know?

Stars Before They Were Stars: 10 Baby VIP Photos Never Seen Before


National Kimmona, as a child she was an adorable little girl ... already with screaming eyelashes! Despite the two hundred thousand tweaks and bites, she's not that different from her when she was a little Burkley student, right? Proof of the fact that, although she cannot be defined as the queen of the natural look ... the interventions they make have always been successful.

And don't you see baby North West in those big eyes?

Stars Before They Were Stars: 10 Baby VIP Photos Never Seen Before


As promised, here's a mini-Audrey Hepburn! Seeing only the left photo of her, I would never have recognized her, but after reading that it was her, in fact, I was able to find her features and that sweet air that distinguished her.

Let's say that her bowl cut did not enhance her very much… but when she grew up she definitely knew how to exploit the potential of her incredible beauty!

Stars Before They Were Stars: 10 Baby VIP Photos Never Seen Before


I conclude with one of the best before-and-after! How many of you as a child underwent the hairstyle that J-Lo sports, with the braids attached to the hairline, for an authentic pretzel effect? Eheheh… Being able to find little Jenny From The Block in this photo is really difficult, but making an effort to recognize her!

Stars Before They Were Stars: 10 Baby VIP Photos Never Seen Before


Soooo you all remember it, Leo from a very young age. But he was so shockingly beautiful (girls, I must tell you, I was a teenager in the 90s too) that I couldn't find a good reason not to post a picture of him ... even if "more".

Stars Before They Were Stars: 10 Baby VIP Photos Never Seen Before

Even today he is a beautiful man and a great actor ... but how much do we miss that irresistible brat face?

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