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The most shocking thing that's ever happened on live TV

The most shocking thing that's ever happened on live TV

The most shocking thing that's ever happened on live TV

#1 Can you see all the concentration of awkwardness on her face?

Most Embarrassing Moments On Live TV

#2 We're pretty sure that puppies and kittens debate is way more interesting than any debate at the British Parliament.

Most Embarrassing Moments On Live TV

#3 Apparently, you can lose a baby in sandwich.

Most Embarrassing Moments On Live TV

#4 Good for you, Brittany, good for you.

Most Embarrassing Moments On Live TV

#5 Finally someone is asking questions that really matter.

Most Embarrassing Moments On Live TV

#6 She doesn't look very happy with that sign placement.

Most Embarrassing Moments On Live TV

#7 How long will it take for the to notice what has just happened?

Most Embarrassing Moments On Live TV

#8 Have you ever been so excited to be on live TV that you accidentally paty-flash the whole country?

Most Embarrassing Moments On Live TV

#9 "Let me just readjust your microphone... Oops!"

Most Embarrassing Moments On Live TV

#10 Sometimes the weather girls show off a little more...

Most Embarrassing Moments On Live TV

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