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Donald Trump is increasingly frightening the world and Republicans, his latest outing provoked an unprecedented outcry

Few people in America understand why Donald Trump has launched a rhetorical war against Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of Humayun Khan, the US Army captain killed in Iraq in 2004.

The Pakistani spouses had spoken at the democratic convention giving the example of their son, a soldier who arrived in the United States at the age of 2, a Muslim who died in Iraq while serving for his country. "Hillary Clinton was right when she said my son was the best in America. If it were up to Donald Trump he would never have been in America. Donald Trump slanders Muslims all the time… Let me ask him (Trump ed): have you ever read the American Constitution? I'd gladly lend him my copy. In this document you look for the words' freedom 'and equal protection of the law'. You have not sacrificed anything or anyone ”.

The speech managed to bring Democrats and Republicans together. Trump tried to avoid slipping into the quagmire that he would have been commenting on but ultimately failed to escape.

Trump's actual response to the Khans came during an interview with George Stephanopoulos of ABC. First of all Trump pointed out that Ghazala Khan didn't speak: “His wife, if you look at his wife, was standing there, she had nothing. to say. Probably, maybe, she was not allowed to speak. The woman had already stated that she can't stay in the same room with a picture of her son, much less talk in front of all those people with a giant picture of her behind her.

Then Trump tried to change the subject talking about terrorism in general: “We have many problems with radical Islamic terrorism, I would say this. We have a lot of problems, just look at San Bernardino, Orlando, the World Trade Center, look at all these things ”. Then he tried to change the subject again by attacking retired Marine General John Allen who spoke at the Democratic convention.

Finally, the interviewer asked Trump what sacrifices he had made since Khan stressed that they had sacrificed their most important thing to the US while Trump did not have to make any sacrifices. This was Trump's response: “I think I've made a lot of sacrifices. I have worked very hard. I have created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands, I have built great structures. I did, I had exceptional success ".

The sincerely surprised interviewer asked if those were sacrifices and he, undeterred, "Sure. I think they are sacrifices ". Equalizing the search for financial success with the loss of a child during military service. Thousands of Americans fell out of their chairs at that time.

Since that time it has been a race to distance their positions from Trump's by what in theory would be his supporters, the Republicans.

Trump, surprised by the outcry, claimed his right to attack a Democrat who, according to him, attacked him in a sneaky way.

Meanwhile, both Khizr and Ghazala Khan continued to claim they were upset by Trump's cynical attacks.

Ghazala told the Washington Post: “Donald Trump asked why I didn't speak at the Democratic convention. He said he'd like to hear me speak. This is my answer to Donald Trump: because without saying anything the whole world, all of America felt my pain. I am a 'Gold Star Mother'. Anyone who saw me felt me ​​in his heart.

Donald Trump says he made a lot of sacrifices. He has no idea what the word sacrifice means ”.

Trump is increasingly surprising, no one would have chosen to oppose a gold star family in this way but on the other hand no presidential candidate would have ever hoped for a hacker attack by a foreign country against one of his political opponents.

These statements would normally make Democrats rub their hands in anticipation of an election with Bulgarian percentages but Trump has surprised us several times. John Oliver, the HBO comedian, compared Trump's boutade to nails, a single nail can puncture our foot and hurt us, dozens and dozens of nails placed side by side instead divide the weight of the body and make it possible to walk on it. above as the Indian fakirs do.

Finally an anecdote. In 1953, Senator Joe McCarthy had shifted the focus of his anti-Communist crusade towards the army, which he claimed was full of Communists. McCarthy was advised in this move by Ray Cohn. McCarthy's move against the army was disastrous and the senator fell out of favor almost immediately. Cohn, a few decades later, became a close friend of a young Donald Trump. It seems that his protégé did not learn from his old friend to leave the American army alone.

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