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Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas announce they have become surrogate parents

Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas announce they have become surrogate parents

Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas announce they have become surrogate parents   Post settings Labels Celebrity Life Style Published on 24/01/2022 01:23 Permalink Location Search description Options Custom robot tags Loading…

The actress and the artist share the news from their networks and ask for privacy during this new process.

Actress Priyanka Chopra and artist Nick Jonas have announced that they have become surrogate parents. “We are delighted to confirm that we have had a baby through surrogacy. We respectfully request privacy during this very special time that we will be focusing on our family. Thank you very much ”, the interpreter has written on her Instagram profile, the same text that Jonas also shared on her personal account. Although neither of them has revealed the gender of the baby, the TMZ publication has published that it is a girl, born last Saturday, January 15.

The announcement has been made public a week after the 39-year-old actress, promoting her participation in the film Matrix Resurrections, stated in an interview with Vanity Fair her desire to have children with the singer: “It is something that I definitely want. do and I hope that when God wants it, at the right and opportune moment, it happens”, he said then.

After going through Bollywood and starring in the series Quantico, Priyanka Chopra married in a three-day wedding by Catholic and Hindu rites with Nick Jonas, one of the brothers and members of the Jonas Brothers musical band, after three months of relationship. Last November, the couple had to deny alleged crisis rumors because Chopra removed her husband's last name from her Instagram alias (until then @priyankachoprajonas and now it's @priyankachopra). The decision was motivated by the desire to separate their professional lives – media exposure on networks – with their personal lives.

The couple is not the only one in the universe of celebrities who have paid for a surrogate belly, an increasingly widespread practice among public figures. Cristiano Ronaldo's twins, Eva and Mateo, were the product of a surrogate mother in the US. Kim Kardashian, the reality TV star and global influencer, paid $45,000 (about 39,000 euros) to a surrogate mother to gestate her third child with Kanye West, Chicago West (the agency in charge would pocket an additional $70,000). The contract he signed with the woman, as revealed by the TMZ portal, implied, in addition to not consuming alcohol or drugs during the months of the pregnancy, other activities such as dyeing his hair, riding the subway, eating raw fish or touching cat litter. With his hands.

It also happens in Spain: the interpreter Javier Cámara is the father of twins prior agreement by this contract since 2017, the twins Tadeo and Diego de Miguel Bosé were born by surrogate mother, as well as the son of the designer Nacho Aguayo or that of the singer Miguel Poveda . The actor Roberto Enríquez, known for the Isabel or Hispania productions, traveled to Delhi (where this process is cheaper than in the US), where his children Martina and Manuel were born. Businessman Kike Sarasola, one of the staunch supporters of reproductive policies through surrogacy, resorted to this technique twice along with her husband, Carlos Marrero, to become the parents of a boy and a girl.

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